Chapter 19R

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Requested by: ZoeyRedbird1 & MidnightTigersBlade


I spent the next few weeks completely bedridden. I couldn't walk anywhere, so Ignis would always spend time with me and help me whenever I needed it, while the others run off to who knows where. Ignis continues to cook me meals and feed them to me himself everyday.

"You know," I pause to eat another spoonful of soup, "My hands are still okay. I can feed myself, Iggy."

He smiles brightly and scoops up another spoonful, "I know, but I want to do this." I laugh and go for another bite, but some of the hot liquid falls on my chest. I quickly pull the shirt I'm wearing away from my skin and exclaim about how hot it is.

Ignis quickly puts the bowl down on the night stand and tries to think of what to do, "Forgive me, I didn't mean for that to happen!"

I try my best to put on a smile, "It's okay, Iggy. It's not that hot."

Ignis pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and thinks, "It's been awhile since you've had a good bath. Why don't you do that while I get you some fresh clothes?" I nod and he carefully picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bathroom.

He sets me down on the toilet seat and leaves for a moment. He comes back with a plastic bag and begins wrapping it around my ankle. "Wouldn't want the bandages to get wet."

When he finishes he leaves so that I can change and get in. I manage to get my clothes off just fine, but as I try to stand to get in the tub I realize something. There is no way I'm getting in without hurting myself. "Oh no..." I say quietly to myself. I panic for a moment and then grab a towel to cover myself. "Uhhhhh... Ignis?" I call out.

"Hm? Everything alright--?" He opens the door and then immediately covers his eyes in shock.

My face turns red in embarrassment. "I-I... I can't get in without hurting my leg..." I stutter. I can see his face turn white in the parts that were not covered by his hand.

He gulped, "Ah, I see." He looks down at the floor and begins shielding his eyes so that he can walk towards me. He stops and places his other hand on his hip. He mumbled to himself, trying to come up with something.

He sighs, "I'm afraid I need you to lose the towel, and I need you to guide me,"

I'm somewhat uncomfortable at first, but I go ahead and drop the towel to the floor. I take both his hands and guide them so that one is around my shoulder and the other behind my knees. Wouldn't want him accidentally touching something else, at least not yet.

The thought makes me too embarrassed to even look or talk to him. He lifts me up with ease and carefully walks forward. When he reaches the bath, I tell him to stop. He holds me further away from his body and lowers me into the tub. "Make sure to lift your leg so it stays out of the water,"

After he gets me into the warm water he immediately darts out of the room and says, "Have a nice bath," before quickly closing the door behind him.

I almost want to scream from embarrassment. "Why must you test me," I ask as I look up at the ceiling. I try to stay calm and relaxed, enjoying the bath. I lower myself so that the water covers half my face and close my eyes. After a few seconds though, I once again start panicking when I realize Ignis will have to help me back out...

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