Chapter 26

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I'm absolutely freaking out right now. I have been excitedly waiting to write these next few chapters for so long now! I came up with these chapters before I even started this fanfic. In fact, its what gave me the idea to write this. I really hope you guys enjoy.

"Noct. What do you think you're doing?" I hear Ignis's voice as I step into the boys' room. Ignis had woken me up earlier and then left me to get dress while he woke up the others. When I came in I saw Noct in black jeans, pulling a white t-shirt over his head.

"What do you mean?" He asked in a bored and uninterested voice.

"Where are your Prince Fatigues? You must present yourself better to the Hydrean." Ignis had his arms crossed, glaring down at the Prince.

"They're dirty. Would you rather I wear messy clothes?" He teased.

Ignis scoffs. "Fine. Never mind that." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out 5 small earpieces. He explains he had gone to buy them before waking us up. These were so we can communicate with each other in case we get separated.

We soon leave the hotel and get in a gondola to make our way to where Lunafreya's speech will be held. We end up having to get out to find another gondola that rides along a bridge higher up in the city. When we find it and leave all I can do is stare out across the tops of buildings as the boys continue to talk about Leviathan.

I can't help but feel strange, as if something bad is about to happen this time. It'll be pretty dangerous. The only reason Titan hadn't been too bad was because he had a giant meteor on his back and Ardyn had help us escape before we were killed. I doubt that will happen again.

"Hey. Y/N? You alright?" Prompto asked. His voice pulled me out of my trance.

I sigh, my breath unsteady, "Just nervous." I look back out at the city again.

"Don't worry. We all are. But you gotta stay cool. If a Glaive and a few Crownsguard are freaking out so will the citizens." Gladio reminded. I wondered for a second how people would know I was a Glaive, then stupidly remembered that I'm wearing the uniform today.

I look at Gladio for a moment, unsure of how to calm myself. I then feel Ignis place a hand on my knee. I turn my head towards him as he rubs my leg to calm me down.

"Just breathe. We'll be okay," he whispered gently. I breathe in and out carefully. This causes all the fear inside of me to drain away. I place one of my hands on top of his and grip it tightly. I don't let go for the rest of the ride.


We stand behind a large crowd of people as Noctis attempts to head towards the front, hoping to see Luna before we start. I stand with my hands behind my back, legs parted slightly, looking up as if I don't notice the business around me. This is how I was trained to stand during guard duty. It's strange pulling up all these drills I had been taught in training after spending months with some chill dudes.

The others stand a few steps apart from me on either side along with some of Camelia's men. They seem more relaxed, probably not having as much intense training as I had. I hear Prompto's voice in my earpiece.

"Noct, you in position?" His voice sounds a bit staticy.

Noct's voice goes through in mere seconds, "Yep," he sounds calm and relaxed, as though he's not about to take down a giant sea serpent alone.

"Don't forget the plan," Gladio reminds him sternly.

"You guys too,"

We wait a while longer until Lunafreya's voice rings loudly throughout the crowd. I can't see her because we are too far away. She starts off normally, greeting everyone and of course talking in tongues about darkness and legends.

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