Chapter 32

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It doesn't feel long before I slowly begin to wake up. At first, I refuse to full open my eyes out of habit. Then I realize that I am sitting upright with something wrap around me tightly. I try to pull free and open my eyes. I realize that it's a person. I start to panic, frantically trying to escape. My breath quickens and I'm ready to scream.

The person presses my face to their chest and whispers, "It's me. You're alright. It's only me, love."

With his hand still pressing me against him, I do my best to look up at his face. His beauty sends tears welling up in my eyes. I then look down and see that he has his jacket wrapped around me and is hugging me to keep me warm.

"What happened?" I ask.

He sighs, "I'm not entirely sure. Gladio and I tried to make our way over to Ardyn, but we both lost consciousness. When I awoke Noct explained that the Glacian had appeared and gave him her blessing."

I don't respond to this. I sit there in silence trying to wrap my brain around this. I then notice that the train is now moving again.

"Where...?" I trail off as his grip loosens allowing me to look out the window.

"We are headed for Gralea. We are on our way to get Prompto and the Crystal." I stare out the window a bit longer before resting my head back on Ignis' chest. A wave of exhaustion hits me instantly and my eyes begin to fall shut again.

"Are you alright, love?" He asks.

"Mmm..." I respond, "...tired." I hear him chuckle slightly and he holds me tighter.


I wake up sometime later being frantically shaken, "Y/N!" I finally open my eyes and grumble in annoyance. "Are you awake?" Ignis asks.

"Yes..." I mumble trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Good. My apologies but the train has suddenly stopped again." I groan as Noct and Gladio come stomping through the car.

"Come on guys," Gladio says to us as he keeps walking with Noct following behind.

I stand on my own and then help Ignis through the car. When we reach the lounge car the glass cracks, just as it had when the train was attacked. Before Prompto had gone missing. We block our faces from the shattered glass and look up to see Goblins had broken in this time.

"Let's get to work," Noct says as he reaches his hand out for a weapon. However, nothing appears, "What the..."

"What's wrong?" Gladio asks.

"My weapons... They're stuck," Noct answers. The Goblins quickly charge us and Gladio and I quickly push Ignis and Noct to the next car.

"Run!" I yell until Ignis begins to move on his own without my help. I try to summon a weapon as I run, but its no use.

"Dammit! My weapons are stuck too!"

"What do we do?" Noct asks in a panicked voice.

"Let's head for the freight car and trade the train for the Regalia." Ignis answers. We run as fast as we can from the daemon horde until we have reached the back of the train.

I quickly open the door for Ignis and push him inside the back seat. I hate to be rough like that, but there's no time. I then quickly open the passenger side and get in. Noct and Gladio step in at the same time as me.

"Gun it!" Gladio shouts. Noct slams on the gas with full force and we head out the back of the train, which has now opened up. Noct turns the Regalia around towards Gralea. We are just outside the gates to the city.

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