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Death was such a strange feeling. You lose all of your senses one by one and time moves so slow that one second feels like an eternity.

But then just when you think it's all over your senses start to come back. First, I could hear a few familiar voices from far away. I couldn't make out what they were saying. It was so faint, but I knew them from somewhere.

Then my sense of touch. I could feel the hard ground beneath me. And I could feel warmth on my skin. And lastly my sight. I fluttered my eyes open, but everything looked blurry.

I began to sit up but couldn't see a thing. I hear the voices get closer, but I still can't make them out. They sounded like they were behind me.

"Y/N?" That voice...

I turned slowly and saw Ignis standing before me with tears in his eyes. Behind him stood the other three, smiling at us. We stared at each other for a while before running toward each other and holding on tightly.

I griped the fabric of his clothes and smelled the cologne on his skin, making sure this wasn't a dream.

He pulled away and held my face in his hands, "Is this real? Are you really standing before me right now?"

I laughed, "I could ask the same of you," I looked off into the distance and now noticed that the sky was lit up. We had finally brought back the light.

"What is this?" I mumbled, "Is this the beyond?"

A pair of footsteps walked towards us through the gates. We all turned to see Luna heading in our direction with a smile on her face.

"Luna!" Noct run to her side and lifted her off the ground. We smiled and watched as they finally got to be together.

"So, what happens now?" I asked as I placed my head on Ignis's shoulder.

I could feel him smiling as he spoke, "I suppose we have an eternity to figure it out," he gripped my hand tightly, "I for one would like to spend it with you, my love,"

I looked up at him and stared into his grey eyes for a long time. I couldn't believe this was really. I was almost afraid that this was just a dream. That I would soon wake up and die for real.

A realization then came to mind and I looked down at our feet as I contemplated what to say, "Hmm? What is it? Aren't you happy?" He asked.

I smiled, "Do you remember that night in Altissia when I made that wish to the statue?" I looked up at him as he raised an eyebrow.

"Um... I believe so? Why?"

"Because I think my wish finally came true," he laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"You're a rather strange girl, but I love you so much."

"I love you too, Ignis," he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead as we walked towards the others.

After all these years, my wish that I had thought the gods ignored finally came true:

I wish to spend forever with the love of my life, Ignis.


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