Blood and Water

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Author: chajatta / baeconandeggs

Genre: Howgarts!AU | Romance | Fluff | Friends-to-lovers | Pureblood!Yeol | Muggleborn!Baek | BAE2017

Length: 31k

Status: Complete


Ever since he was a little boy Chanyeol has known that there is much more to life than his parents, with their pure-blood privilege and conservative ideals, would have him believe. But when he meets Baekhyun, a Muggle-born whose magic goes far beyond mere wizardry and spell casting, Chanyeol gets so much more than he ever bargained for.


This was so cute!!! It's not the typical fic where Chanyeol is an asshole, instead he's super cute with Baek and he's interested in the muggle world. Also, you get to read the develop of their friendship to love since year one. It was so good!!

[AO3] ➡️

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