Cynosure of my Eyes

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Author: wulfpup / exolliarmus

Genre: Hogwarts!AU | Romance | Fluff | Slight drama | Smut | Gryffindor!Baek | Slytherin!Yeol | Exolliarmus Round 5

Other couples: KaiSoo | HunHan | Jongdae x Joy

Length: 36k

Status: Complete


Griffindor Prefect Baekhyun and Slytherin Quidditch captain Chanyeol - one scores straight Os in O.W.L.S. and the other has already been scouted for Puddlemere United. With a Hogwarts charity event around the corner, Sehun decides to play match maker.


I loved this fic so much. Baekhyun is over heels for Chanyeol and Chanyeol is very oblivious but at the end they are so cute together akdhakdj. Baekhyun is literally the cutest in this fic and his magic is so beautiful. Sehun and Jongdae are the best best friends. So good!

[AO3] ➡️

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