Here Be Dragons

397 13 1

Author: anonymous

Genre: Romance | Fluff | Smut | Mutual pining | Sexual tension| Fake marriage!AU | Urban fantasy!AU | Action | Dragons | EXO MONSTERFEST 2019

Other couples: KrisTao

Length: 39.7k

Status: Complete


Baekhyun runs a sanctuary for abandoned and lost dragons but he's about to be kicked out of the place he's renting - if he can prove to the landlord that he can pay up within two weeks then he can stay, but where is he going to get the money? In a desperate bid for cash he finds an ad for 'fake husband wanted!' that will pay more than enough to keep his business going. It will be hard juggling the dragons and being this (hot) guy's husband, but here goes nothing!


It's been a long time since I read something that really caught my eye and couldn't stop reading. This was ultra-mega cute. Exo as little dragons is adorable!!! And Baekhyun and Chanyeol were, just like in real life, sexy and cute at the same time. I love fantasy so this was perfect. The dragons were so cuuuute, omg!! Really good fic to read!!!


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