But it's not the babies fault

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Author: FocusedLisa

Genre: Romance| Fluff | Smut | Married!AU | Domestic fluff | Parents!AU | BabyMakingFest2019

Warnings: Male lactation

Length: 21.9k

Status: Complete


Baekhyun and Chanyeol have their hands full with his newborn twins and their respective jobs.
Chanyeol has started feeling constantly frustrated and demotivated at work and he wonder what could be the reason for it. Maybe it's because he miss being with his family. Or maybe the reason is that he and his husband hasn't had proper sex relations in months. Who knows, it could be anything.

[AO3] ➡️ https://archiveofourown.org/works/21621274?view_adult=true#main

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