McSexy On The Side

620 11 0

Author: sdupree4403

Genre: Romance | Humor | Sexual tension | Smut (handjob) | Flirty!Baek | McDonalds!AU

Length: Chaptered (7)

Status: Complete


Chanyeol picks up some night shifts at the local McDonald's to help him cover rent while he's in graduate school. The work is rough, but he really doesn't mind it. The best part of the job--or maybe worst?--is the Drunk Hottie who he keeps coming back for burgers but also making Chanyeol blush.


This is so funny. Omg, Baekhyun is so flirty I couldn't stop laughing, and Chanyeol just blush every time. Besides, the sexual tension is really high, but in the end they're so whipped.

[AO3] ➡️

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