Searching for that broken moon's other half

515 7 0

Author: Otpismyoxygen

Genre: Romance | Fluff | Love/hate | CEO!AU | Fake/pretend marriage

Other couples: past!BaekSoo

Length: Chaptered (13)

Status: Complete


Chanyeol needed to find someone who would agree to become his fiance in order for him to get the CEO position in his family company. What were the chances that his first love, who he kicked out of town ten years ago, would agree to his proposal?


Chanyeol and Baekhyun as CEOs with some dark past and they hate each other or that is what they want the other to show. I love it. They are just tsunderes and everything is very cute.

(Updates are reasonably fast).

[AO3] ➡️

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