
531 17 1

Author: loeysxdaisies

Genre: Romance | Smut | Slight fluff | CEO!Yeol | High-class escort!Baek | Sugar daddy/baby | Daddy/praise kink | Minor bdsm themes

Length: Twoshot (12.3k)

Status: Complete


Chanyeol doesn't like seeing Baekhyun on others' arms at his own events when he should've booked Baekhyun first. In fact, he doesn't want to have to book him at all.

Lucky for him, he has an idea (and plenty of money) to strike a deal with Baekhyun that'll make them both happy.

[AO3] ➡️ https://archiveofourown.org/works/16949499/chapters/39829227#workskin

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