But Still, Can We?

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Author: kei17

Genre: Romance | Fluff | Smut | Enemies-to-lovers | Hogwarts!AU | Gryffindor!Baek | Slytherin!Yeol | Jealous!Yeol

Length: 10k

Status: Complete


The Slytherin sex god and Gryffindor prefect had always rubbed each other the wrong way.


Well, I love HP!AU but even more with Chanyeol and Baekhyun hating each other at the begging and then becoming lovers. I love it >.< Seriously, I've read this like three times and I don't get tired of it. It has Chanyeol as the sexy playboy and Baekhyun as the cute prefect, it's perfect. The story of why they hate each other is a little sad but cute too. It has a very happy and adorable ending. (Baekhyun is so cute I can't even).

[LiveJournal] ➡️ https://kei17.livejournal.com/15593.html

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