Constants And Variables

566 8 0

Author: anonymous until reveals / baeconandeggs

Genre: Romance | Angst | Fluff | Smut | Fantasy | Time travel | BAE_2018

Warnings: Mentions of illness

Length: 14.5k

Status: Complete


In a life full of variables, Baekhyun is the one constant in Chanyeol's heart.


After I read this I have mixed feelings, because I liked it, but even though it has a happy end, I still feel kind of sad. I loved the story line, about time travel. It was so interesting. The author tagged the fic as light angst, but omg, there is one scene, it's just one, but it made me so saaad (even though that it could be sadder), so I tagged it at angst (not only for that scene but because of the fic in general). However, the story isn't very sad, it just have that feeling of... I don't know how to say it. Anyway, it's too good. I liked it a lot.

[AO3] ➡️

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