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Author: anonymous / baeconandeggs

Genre: Romance | Super Fluff | Slight angst | Single parent!AU

Other couples: past! ChenBaek | past! ChanSoo | KaiLu | Mentions of Junmyeon x Yifan

Length: 39k

Status: Complete


For years, Chanyeol had been longing for a place to call home, not knowing that what he'd been searching for all along was right next door.


I love single parents!Au fics so much and this is just what I needed!!! Baekhyun and Jesper are soooo cute. Seriously, Jesper is the cutest thing in the world and likes to ship Baekhyun with Chanyeol. Everything is super cute, but there was a moment when I was really frustrated (because of the angst). It was a good way to spice it up. I loooooooved it so much! A must read!

[AO3] ➡️ https://archiveofourown.org/works/6832156

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