Gemini: The Gem of Twins

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Sequel to Gemini

Author: parkanjae

Genre: Romance | Smut | Fluff | Drama | Mystery | Action | Wolf!AU | Twins!Yeol | Alpha!Yeol

Warnings: threesome | violence

Other couples: KaiSoo

Length: Chaptered

Status: On-going


A few months ago, Baekhyun was certain that moving to a new place would be the same. Stay there for a few months, years if he's lucky, then he'd had to move again. He was proven wrong when he met the Park twins, Leeyeol and Chanhyuk.

Now that his monotonous life became a series of unexpected events, Baekhyun has to face the double life with his mates. Now that he was united with his wolf, Luhan and experienced the changes in him, he realized there's more to being the mate of twin alphas.

And things wouldn't be as easy as he thought. Not when the twins possessiveness and overprotectiveness heightened up the moment they knew that he too, has a wolf blood.


I wasn't expecting when I read "Gemini" that it would have a sequel, even though I liked the story so I wanted more. And, like, this is turning very interesting, I must say. Very very interesting.

[AFF] ➡️

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