Puppy Love

593 8 0

Author: FanTheWind

Genre: Romance | Fluff | Smut | Hybrid!AU | Mpreg

Other couples: HunHan

Length: 14.8k

Status: Complete


Junmyeon just adores Beagles, but Chanyeol is a handful. When he leaves for work he prays that the house isn't on fire when he gets back.
Recently, though, Chanyeol's been a little aggressive lately, and Junmyeon decides he needs a playmate.
Of course, though, he wasn't going to get just any hybrid. He has his own gain from this:
He plans of breeding them himself.

[AAF] ➡️ https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1109676/puppy-eyes-baekhyun-chanyeol-baekyeol-hybridau

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