A Lot Like Love and Loey

887 14 5

Author: chanyeoloving

Genre: Romance | Fluff | Soulmate!AU | Single father!AU

Other couples: KaiSoo

Length: 12.4k

Status: Complete


Where single father Chanyeol has no idea why anyone sane enough would sit outside under the falling snow, but Loey loves Baekhyun, and he thinks that's enough.


So cute, so cute, so cute!!! Everything about this fic is so cuuute. Baekhyun is a puppy and Chanyeol's son is adorable. Their relationship is also so lovely. Awww, it warmed my heart. I needed it.

[AO3] ➡️ https://archiveofourown.org/works/16791604#main

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