A Few Times You Been Around That Track

1.5K 23 1

Author: k3ykwangie

Genre: Romance | Smut | Highschool!AU | Quarterback!Yeol | Cheerleader!Baek

Length: 8.2k

Status: Complete


Chanyeol swears to God he isn't some sick pervert. It isn't his fault that the head cheerleader had such a tantalizing ass...


Sooo goood. Baekhyun's sexy as fuck and Chanyeol is too. Love it how Chanyeol is so whipped and isn't subtle staring at Baekhyun. The smut is so hot and sexy.

[AFF] ➡️ https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1006066/a-few-times-you-been-around-that-track-pwp-romance-exo-nc17-baekyeol-chanbaek

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