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Stress was taking over the brunette angel, he had multiple assignments due and he had to help his girlfriend adjust to the human life. He sat on his bed, homework and books laid all out. Jenna was fast asleep in the guest bedroom, Tyler really not wanting to share a room with her. They've slept together before but the angel just didn't feel like doing so anymore.

He simply shrugged it off as him being overwhelmed and ignored the cotton candy-haired boy that popped in his head. They were just friends, he kept reminding himself. Plus, he had Jenna, and Jenna loves him despite all the trouble he caused, right? And Josh could never love him, and he could never love Josh, they're from two different worlds.

His eyes were growing tired and sore from all the reading he was doing, nothing really being absorbed in his head. In frustration. Tyler threw the book across the room, breathing heavily. It was all getting too much, how can he help Jenna when he can't even help himself? Why is he still in this goddamn place? He just wanted to be alone.

Suddenly it felt as if the room was getting smaller and he felt trapped. He need fresh air, he needed to escape, so he quickly grabbed a few things, a glowing green ring, a necklace,and a shirt with the same sized slits on the back, much like the hoodie Josh got from him. He only planned on using these for emergencies, but he needed to unwind right now.

He opened his window and jumped down, landing on his feet. The cold air alone helped him already. He looked towards the forest, and ran as fast as he could, not caring if his steps caused noise. He wasn't paying attention to the wet grass, or to anything around him, not even the lights that turned on in the room of his neighbor. He just kept running until he was deep in the forest and out of breath. The angel being completely unaware that he woke up Josh, the boy who was secretly a very curious soul.

No one could see him here, he'd be safe. He carefully slipped on the green ring, making it glow even more. A bright aura illuminated around him then died down after a bit, the ring made him invisible.

Then he put on the necklace around his neck, and a familiar feeling came into his back. This necklace helped freed his wings, something he missed feeling. He winced at the opening of his back slits where his wings came out of out. Soon he was met with the familiar white feathers, his wings were big enough that he could wrap himself with them. It was comforting really,  it meant escape.

He clapped his wings a few times to get used to the feeling again, they were weak from not being worked for a while. Usually he could just launch himself right from the ground but his wings weren't strong enough for that. So he decided, with a foggy stressed mind, to jump off a tree. No one could see him, if they heard any noise, it can easily be taken as the wind.

And that's what the brunette did, he climbed up the highest tree closest to him and balanced on the strongest branch that was furthest from the ground. He was nervous, what if his wings just couldn't fly anymore? If he fell, he can easily heal quickly but that wouldn't help his emotional state. Not one bit. But it was something he'd have to risk, just for the sake to fly once again. 

He jumped, and well, he wasn't flying immediately, he was getting really close to the ground until at the last minute, air caught under and he was high above the forest. Tyler couldn't help but laugh hysterically, he was still overwhelmed, but with joy. He could still fly, and that's what he did. He regained himself and instantly shot through the sky like a bullet, his confidence returning once again. His wings felt powerful and they carried him swiftly and delicately. The wind sped by his side and his lungs expanded in the most exhilarating way possible. He felt free, unlike the painting he was working on in school, in his moment nothing weighed him down.

He felt close to the moon and at one with the clouds, he looked down and saw everything moving quickly in much smaller size. No one could see him but if you heard closely enough you could hear happy laughter from a boy that finally felt at peace from everything. He felt free from Jenna, from his head, from his work, and from any confusing feelings he had for Josh.

Tyler didn't care about time at the moment, because it was almost as if everything froze and he was the only one moving. He kept flying until his lungs ached for stable altitude, he checked the time on his watch, almost midnight. He sighed, and decided it was time to go home before he could risk his girlfriend checking up on him. He flew back towards the same spot in the forest, landing with a thud of his feet.

He took a moment to calm his rapid breathing, flying  tiring him out. It was basically exercise, and it was something he hasn't done in a while. Once he was calm, he couldn't help but giggling and laughing again, extremely happy with what happened. It was as if flying was a drug he got high off and he was the type to get really giggly off of it. But he didn't realize that the green ring he wore would eventually wear off, and a few minutes later, he was visible to anyone who could spot him.

Not being aware of this, he sat against a tree, not wanting to go home just yet.

"I forgot how good this felt..." he spoke quietly to himself, chucking softy afterwards.

He wrapped his wings around himself, almost like giving himself a hug. He smiled at the way his soft feathers touched his cold clammy skin, and how they were warm, a overall comforting. He let go of himself and sighed contently. He yawned shortly after, reminded that both pieces of jewelry drained some of his energy. He was slowly getting exhausted.

"Well looks like it's time to go home.." he yawned again.

"Before I pass out." He chuckles lazily after it.

He stood up weakly, knowing that if he took off his jewelry now, he could collapse. So he decided to take it off right after he left the forest, hoping to make it in time to go home. But something happened that made him suddenly stuck to the ground.

"T-Tyler...I-is that you..?" A scared voice said, and the angel froze, terrified. He turned towards the voice and there he was met with fearful brown eyes and moon-lit pink hair.

"Flower boy...?!" He squeaked out, his heart almost jumping out his chest. Why did he follow him here? Will he tell authorities? What could Tyler possibly tell him to calm him down? He was freaking out, his muscles and body starting to give out.

And from there, the angel passed out, his wings tucking themselves in his back, his slits closing up again. Josh yelled for the boy, running to him and holding him in his arms.

Josh was having trouble processing this, a million questions in his head.

"Why does Tyler have wings?"  Was the loudest thought.


"Why was he out here at midnight," followed shortly after.

I hope this update makes up for small disappearance. Also, Tyler's wings are shown in the picture above, I did not draw him. And yeah,finally we got to the good part, expect drama, fluff and everything in between from here on out in this story. Comment your thoughts below, leave feedback or whatever ya want.

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