Chapter 10

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As I stuffed a few things in my pack, I heard Daryl stirring down the hallway, lightly shuffling into the living room.

"You're up already?" Daryl rubbed his tired eyes.

"Yeah, I was too excited to sleep." Truth was I wasn't excited, I was petrified thinking about all of the things that could go wrong. My thoughts racing made my heart hammer hard against my chest, making sleep impossible; now just thinking about it, made panic fill me again.

"Oh." Daryl stuffed his hands into his pockets. "You got everything?" He asked coming over to look through my pack.

"I think." My voice cracked. "Some clothes, some food and water." I informed.

"Okay." Daryl seemed impressed, maybe even a little disappointed that he didn't get to help me.

"I won't be leaving yet." I smiled. "Walk with me?"

"Of course." Daryl put on a clean shirt and socks, put his boots on and grabbed my pack for me.

We went down the steps of the porch, heading for Abraham and my truck for the next few days.

"There ya are!" Abraham yelled from the truck several yards away as he spotted us. I waved from where I was at smiling warmly at him, then the nerves prickled through my body.

"You okay?" Daryl asked noticing my unease.

"Yeah, I'll be, fine." I sighed heavily.

"Ready?" Abraham asked as I finally got to the truck.

"As I'll ever be." I smiled, going over to the passenger side of the truck, watching Daryl put my pack in the back seat. Abraham got into the driver's seat, Daryl and I standing there for a moment, preparing our goodbyes that I hated.

"Something wrong?" Daryl asked trying to catch my eye.

"No." I sighed. "I- I just wanted to tell you something before I left."

"What is it?" Daryl looked at me intently.

"That I'm absolutely petrified to leave this place." I admitted.

"You don't need to be scared, especially if you're with Abraham." Daryl reassured me.

"I know, I know, it's just that all the things that happened out there to me, I'm afraid it'll happen again." I confessed.

"Hey." Daryl hugged me tightly. "Nothing is going to happen out there alright?" He pulled away. "Okay?"

"Yeah, alright." I took a deep breath then looked at Daryl again. I quickly grabbed his shoulders, and pressed my lips to his for a sold five seconds. "Okay." I breathed as I pulled away. "Bye." I smiled, blushing, as I climbed into the truck. I really hope I can keep that confidence while on this trip.

"Let's get going." Abraham had a smile on his face. He started up the truck, and drove out of the gate. We drove for a solid hour in silence before Abraham sighed loudly. "Daryl, huh?"

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"You and Dixon are a thing, right?" Abraham chuckled, with a big smile on his face.

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