Chapter 33

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"Almost back, we can stay out another day if you want to." Daryl said as he stopped the van, we could see Hilltop from here, even though it was still plenty of miles away.

"No, it's time, we've taken a long enough break, besides I'm sure everyone's ready to start rebuilding." I smiled.

"Alright, we'll drop this stuff off to Maggie then head home." Daryl seemed to have worry on his face, it was discreet but it was there. There was something back there he didn't want to face.

It took about fifteen minutes to get to Hilltop, our music filling the silence between us, this was probably the least he had talked since we left. As we pulled up, Daryl waved his hand out of the window, then the gates opened, we pulled in, Maggie, Enid, and Jesus approaching. Daryl sighed heavily as he shut off the van, and hesitated before getting out of the van. Maggie had a stern look on her face, her arms crossed.

"Can I talk to you?" She pointed to Daryl, but glanced at me for a moment. "Alone." She ordered. Daryl nodded walking slowly after Maggie, he turned to look at me, with a look on his face that told me 'don't ask, don't get involved'.

"Hey what'd ya get?" Enid asked with a light smile on her face.

"Oh, this one is filled with stuff for you guys, mostly Maggie though." I said a little blankly. Jesus and Alden came over to empty the contents, passing it to other people that put everything into small containers, separating everything as they went. "How was the trip?" Enid asked.

"Fine." I said distracted. "Do you know what they're talking about?" I asked Enid, referring to Daryl and Maggie.

"I don't, maybe it's just a supply run talk." She shrugged. I watched the group unload the carrier, telling them what certain things were when they looked lost. Finally Daryl came back, as they were finishing. "Maggie will appreciate this." Enid said as she left with a container of baby stuff.

"What did Maggie want?" I asked curiously.

"You gotta go." Daryl grumbled. He stepped past me, grabbing my pack from the van, throwing whatever he could grab into it.

"Why?" I watched him as he moved around hectically.

"You just gotta go, you can't be here." Daryl said distantly.

"Why, what's going on?" I grabbed his arm but he yanked away. "Daryl what-" he grabbed my arm pulling me after him. "Daryl, what's going on, just talk to me!" We stopped at a back wall, where no one could see us, Daryl shoving my backpack into my arms.

"Get to the Kingdom, stay there until I come for ya, and I will, so just stay there." Daryl looked me over. "You'll be safe." He said under his breath.

"Safe, from what, what's going on?" I demanded. Daryl grabbed my arms again, as he opened up a secret entrance along the wall trying to push me through but I fought with him. "Daryl, stop, Hey. Stop!" I punched him across the face, momentarily stunning him, then I shoved him away. "Just tell me what happened, why do I need to leave?" I panted. Daryl stood there breathing heavily, irritation on his face.

"Things are.." He shook his head biting his lip. "Things are about to get bad. We're gonna lose people, this is 'cause of Negan." Daryl spoke softly. I sat there studying his face, trying to figure out what he was getting at, until it clicked.

"You're going to kill Rick?" I said quietly, trying to hold back my shock. Daryl looked down at the ground not wanting to answer my question. "Daryl, come with me, get out of this, you can still walk away before any damage is done, please?" I begged.

"Nah, I can't, I want Negan dead, and I ain't giving up this chance." Daryl shoved me hard out of the door, causing me to fall, and scuff up my hand and elbow. The door slammed shut and locked.

"You fucking asshole!" I yelled as I got to my feet. I pulled my pack on, and started stomping away. Fine I would leave, but there would not be a nice welcome when he came to get me.

The longer I walked, I soon realized this was my chance, I didn't want to be apart of whatever falling out was about to happen. If they were really going to kill Rick I didn't want to be here to find out, I couldn't lose anymore people. I made a turn for the junkyard, where I knew Morgan was. I practically ran there, I didn't want to change my mind again. When I got inside the junkyard, I saw Morgan opening the front door with his pack on, he was leaving.

"Please, take me with you." I panted trying to catch my breath.

"I can't." Morgan shook his head.

"Please, I have to get away from here, just take me as far as Texas, then I'll leave you alone." I pleaded. Morgan stood there silently as he thought.

"Texas." He agreed.

"Thank you, just give me one minute." I dropped my pack, and pulled out the notebook I had been writing in, writing one last note to whoever found it. I placed it where it would be found, and wouldn't get damaged by the weather just in case it wasn't found for a while. "Let's go."

"So what's in Texas?" Morgan asked.

"I'm looking for someone. Last place I saw him was Mexico, but I figure Texas would be my best bet." I explained.

"Who?" Morgan asked.

"The man that saved my life." I smirked. "You don't have to worry about me asking you questions, you don't even have to worry about  making conversation, walking in silence is fine with me." I smiled. I knew he didn't want to talk, I mean he was leaving our group for crying out loud, but so was I, we both had our reasons and that was that.

As said Morgan didn't try to make conversation, in fact we didn't really talk at all, we didn't share food, we only split what we found, we wanted to make our split easy. When we did finally arrive in Texas, we decided to stay with each other one more night, and that's when things got interesting...

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