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(Never Felt so Alone- Labrinth)

Two weeks had passed and the depression was really kicking in, they thought I was dead didn't they? I would cry myself to sleep every night. I would just leave here and find my way home if I knew where I was at, I figured I had a better chance at survival with these people. This morning I was cleaning husks, walker skin, for the Whisperer's, pretty much I was doing grunt work for these people. I was working all day everyday, up at the crack of dawn to start making breakfast, then immediately I would go check on wounded, those that couldn't recover quickly were either cast out or killed, Alpha and Beta did that.

Right now as it was becoming sun down, I heard a commotion coming from the common's area, which was just an open field.

"Who's this?" I heard Alpha's voice rumble.

"You most certainly must be Alpha." The man said. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Negan, and I am in love." He said smugly. I watched from a distance while Negan flapped his gums at Alpha who looked completely annoyed.

Negan and Alpha stepped further into the thick forest, I watched the two of them talk awhile before Alpha punched Negan. Beta bounded past me toward Alpha, yelling and ready to kill, I watched more unfold, until Alpha was now yelling at Beta, until he was bowing down at her feet.

"No, you are my Alpha. I have sworn never to challenge you. I am sorry. Please forgive me." Beta begged.

"You are forgiven, leave us." Alpha placed her hand on Beta's head, then he left swiftly.

"Well that was awesome." Negan said amused, then he bowed down in front of Alpha. "I recognize your strength and I bend to your will. Do you accept me?" Alpha placed her hand on Negan's head.

"I do, you may stand." Alpha declared.

"Is it okay that this turns me on?" Negan smiled.

"Stand." Alpha sneered at him. Alpha had Negan pass over his knife, and left, that's when I finally made myself known to him.

"Hazel?" Negan said shocked, I knew he barely recognized me? I looked like the poor pathetic Hazel, Daryl found in that hollowed out tree so long ago. Before I knew what was happening I slammed into Negan hugging him tight, it felt so good to see someone I knew.

"Think I'm dead, don't they?" I whispered, still unable to speak a higher volume.

"What?" Negan pulled me away to look at me. "Are you crazy, if I wouldn't 've stopped him, Daryl would've been here."

"Why'd you stop him?" I felt tears slide down my dirty face.

"Daryl was hurt and I didn't want your boy to lose both of his parents. I thought something had happened to you, and I didn't want something to happen to Daryl." Negan said with actual sympathy.

"How we getting out?" I said almost inaudibly, you never knew if someone was listening.

"I'm working on it. For now get comfortable, I'm in this for the long haul, until I can find my window." Negan said determined. "For now, where do we sleep around here?" He yawned. I sighed heavily, damn it.

"Show you." I led him back to the commons area, a few fires started, everyone getting comfortable for the night. I saw Negan's smile disappear when we went further from the fire and the group of people.

"Why are we over here?" He scoffed.

"Don't trust new people, so we sleep here, part of the test." I explained. "If you thrive in this, they accept you."

"Shit, you've been with these people this whole time?" Negan had that sympathetic look again, as we sat down making up a spot to sleep.

"Scout?" I asked.

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