Chapter 37

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The two living walkers walked close to me, as they led me out of the show store. Suddenly Daryl charged at one of them, but they were swift, and were able to avoid his attack.

"Daryl!" I yelled. One Whisperer punched Daryl, and kneed him in the gut, causing him to fall to the ground. The other Whisperer kicked Daryl over and brought his knife down, Daryl moved just in time taking the blade to his side. "Leave him alone!" I screamed, that sentence tearing through my throat.

The two Whisperers grabbed me roughly and led me down into the herd of walkers. I looked back at Daryl, who was holding his bleeding wound, trying to crawl after us.
They stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking over the nearby walkers, before finding one that had its guts hanging out. One Whisperer was able to get its hands covered in walker muck, turning and putting it on me. I had done this a lot in my life, but it was definitely something I didn't miss.

"Come." The green eyed Whisperer said grabbing my arm, and pulling me after him.

"Where?" I tried to whisper as quietly as him.

"Alpha." The other said. They spoke in few words and I could appreciate that, where were these people when I had to talk like that? Also how have I not run into these people sooner?

I then realized what I needed to do, I needed to be that helpless girl again, the girl that didn't talk hardly at all because she had no voice to talk, timid, shy, but definitely able to fight. It wasn't until we exited the mall that my concern for Daryl grew, did he make it out of the mall? I didn't want to leave him behind, especially wounded, I hoped he would be okay. There was no way Daryl would be able to get me out of this on his own, he would need back up. I was suddenly aware of how far away from home I was, I don't think our people would make the trip this far out, especially for one person.

The Whisperer's began to break away from the herd, the green eyed one holding me close making sure I wouldn't run. We made our way into the woods, up an incline until we got to a clearing filled with people, and also Whisperer's. They led me through the camp, down a path that went through some trees, to another little campsite.

"Alpha." The green eyed Whisperer said in a normal volume. A tall bald woman stepped out of the tent, a stone look on her face, not a slump in her shoulders, she was in charge for sure.

"Who's this?" Alpha's voice sent chills down my spine. She looked directly into my eyes not breaking eye contact, but I broke contact several times. The green eyed Whisperer nudged me, wanting me to answer her.

"Hazel." My voice scratched out, perfect.

"Where?" Alpha looked to the green eyed Whisperer.

"Mall, shoe store." He said standing up straighter, as he pulled the decaying skin from his head like a ski-mask.

"Found shoes." The other Whisperer pulled a shoebox from his pack handing them to Alpha.

"Come tonight." She said straight faced as she looked over the shoes. I could sense a smirk on the Whisperer's face. "Leave us, I talk." Alpha shooed away the two Whisperers, leaving just me now. "Come." She gestured with her hand as she went back into her tent. It was warmer in here than outside, which was nice, it was getting cold. "Sit." Alpha pointed to a chair, once I sat I started looking around. This place wasn't just for sleeping, it was like a house, living room, bedroom, kitchen. "Hazel." Her speaking my name sent chills down my spine. "Come from where?"

"Place, miles away." Even though my throat was irritated, and I wanted to clear it, I couldn't give up the innocent vibe it gave me.

"It's name?" She asked as she reclined back into her chair.

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