Chapter 26

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"The Saviors are gone." Michonne said with a little hope in her voice. "We can get everyone to Hilltop, we can get Carl there." She said to Rick who was still in shock.

"Carl? No." Rick said simply.

"Daryl can get one of the cars-" Michonne started.

"Carl won't make-" He shook his head. "He can't leave here, he can't, I have to stay with him, I have to stay here." Rick stated, Michonne giving him a nod.

"We'll both stay." Michonne stated.

"Will you-" Rick closed his eyes collecting his thoughts for a moment. "Will you take Judith? She needs to be there, she- if he- if..." Rick became a sobbing wreck.

"I'll take her." Daryl stepped in, trying to help his friend in any way he could. "I'll get her there, I'll keep her safe, I got this." Daryl reassured them.

"Let me say goodbye." Carl said weakly, everyone turned to look at him.

Carl kissed Judith's hand and patted her head. The two gave each other knuckles, something Carl proudly taught her. Judith reached out for Carl whimpering, Rick pulling her away, causing her to wail loudly.

"Wait, one more thing." Carl spoke up. We all looked at him again, Carl lifted his large sheriff's hat. "I want Judith to have it." Carl said simply. It was like watching a baton be passed on, Judith would be the next Grimes to stand up.

"Here we go." Daryl scooped up Judith, taking the hat from Carl's hand. "These people, you saved them all, that's all you man." Daryl said with admiration to Carl. Even though Daryl was holding Judith he still hugged me, leaving a kiss on my cheek. "You gotta save him." Daryl whispered into my ear. I nodded at him. The large group of people left with Daryl.

"Alright if it's clear I'm heading up there." I said after we got Carl comfortable on the cot. "Siddiq stays hear and keeps an eye on Carl."

"I'll go with you." Michonne jumped up. "You may run into trouble out there, and I'm sure extra hands to carry supplies wouldn't hurt." I looked at her then Rick, then Carl's pale face, there wasn't time to argue.

"Let's go." I said determined.

I grabbed an empty pack, I adjusted my ax on my back and climbed up the sewer ladder. I gently lifted the sewer lid, careful not to make too much noise just in case. Once we were out in the smoky air, we rushed for the infirmary that we hoped was still standing. I held my ax in my hands as we snuck through the community, houses were completely destroyed, some on fire, it was heart breaking to see. Luckily the infirmary had minimal damage as it was pretty close to the middle of the large community. There was smoke damage along one side of the house a few windows broken.

"Get in, get what you need. We need to hurry back." Michonne hissed. I could hear walkers in the smoke, and I didn't want to get cornered by them.

I ran inside grabbing bandages, suture kits, tweezer things, anything that looked useful, I didn't know the name of all the tools, tubes, needles, IV bags. I grabbed antibiotics, pain management that would hopefully help. I wished we could have moved Carl here, it would've made this simpler, but I would get what I could. I shoved everything in my pack, I stuffed more into another bag, I wanted to be prepared. When I stepped outside Michonne was slicing through a cluster of walkers, about five.

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