That Should Be Me

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Set after the Worlds


There they are.

The happy couple.

As of thirty minutes ago, Emily Junk and Benjamin Applebaum are now dating.

Ask me how I feel?


I'm sitting next to Stacie just in shock. She knows about my crush on my best friend. Shit, all the Bellas know, even Aubrey knows. Beca comes to sit next to me and just hugs me. Stacie follows suit. "I have to go.", I tell them. "Stay, please. Get drunk. Forget tonight.", Beca tells me. "No, I have to leave." I stand up and bid all the Bellas goodbye. As I'm leaving, I feel a pair of eyes on me. Her eyes. I go back to my hotel room and start to pack. I can't stay here. Once I'm done, I hear the door open I close my eyes and hope that it isn't her. It's not. It's Chloe and Aubrey. I look into ocean blue eyes and I break down. Chloe is the first to reach me and pull me in her arms. Aubrey follows suit. These two and Beca and Stacie have become my two older sisters in the time I've known them. Chloe starts spewing out apology after apology. I get myself together and stand from my spot. I grab my suitcase and grab a piece of paper. Leaving Emily a note. I tell Aubrey and Chloe goodbye and after multiple protests, they let me leave. I hail a cab to the airport and manage to get my flight switched to an earlier one. Goodbye Copenhagen.

Emily's POV

Benji asked me to be his girlfriend. I couldn't turn him down. He made this grand gesture in front of everyone. I knew I should've when I looked over to my favorite pair of eyes and saw the hurt in them. But I didn't. And I feel incredibly guilty. Thirty minutes after the whole ordeal, I saw her leave. I should have went after her, but I didn't. Jesse pulled me aside after a little bit and just hugged me. He knew about my crush on her. "Go get her.", he tells me. I look at him crazy before he tells me, "I'll tell Benji that you didn't feel good and you went back to your room." I nod and somehow manage to sneak out of the party without Benji offering to walk me back. I make it to our room and unlock it. It's dark. That's weird. Y/N hates the dark. I turn the light on and notice that her side of the bed is empty and all of her stuff is gone. "No.", I whisper to no one in particular. I look over at my bed and notice a note. I pick it up and automatically recognize Y/N's handwriting.


I wanted to start this off saying congrats. You and Benji belong together. What the fuck am I saying? No you guys don't. Emily, I love you. More than friends. More than you can imagine. I should be in Benji's shoes but I didn't have the balls to do so. By the time you read this, I'm gonna be on a flight back to Atlanta. I'm sorry but I couldn't just sit there and watch the love of my life be taken by someone else. I'm sorry Emily. I love you.


By the time I reach the end of the letter, I'm sobbing. I jump up and grab my jacket and run to Chloe's room. I bang on the door and Aubrey opens it. "Emily?" I jump in her arms before she can say anything else. Chloe comes up behind her and sees what state I'm in and ushers us in their room. I realize that I'm running out of time and explain the situation. Chloe and Aubrey jump up, grab their coats and we rush out the door to the airport.

We get there and we rush in the airport. We run to the desk to ask if Y/N's flight had taken off yet. The attendant informs us that it has. My heart shatters right then and there. I turn to Aubrey and sob in her arms. "I'm never gonna get to tell her how I really feel. Aubrey, what do I do?" I look at her and she looks at me smiling. "You should turn around." I look at her confused and do as she told me to. I start sobbing even more. There she is. I run and jump in her arms and of course she catches me. "What are you crying for Junk?", she says while smiling. I cup her cheeks and smash our lips together. She's confused at first but then she kisses back. We pull away when air becomes an issue. "I love you too. I always have since we met at that party at the beginning of the year." She smiles and presses our lips together again. Now, all I have to worry about is Benji. But that can wait.

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