Partying Gone Wrong

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"Hey, do you guys know where Brittany went?" Y/N asked, as she approached them from behind. The group turned their attention towards the taller girl and Alexis and Anna shared a quick suspicious look at each other, that didn't go unnoticed by the track star. "What?" She questioned.

"She's with Tyler." Anna blatantly answered.

Y/N suddenly felt dazed and kind of hurt by the new information, but made sure to keep up her calm and 'I'm-not-into-Brittany' facade in front of Anna.

"Oh, alright." What she really wanted to do was immediately ask why she was with him and where had they gone, but thankfully Alexis jumped in to further explain.

"He came by a few minutes ago and asked if he could talk with Brittany in private." Y/N could tell the taller brunette was just trying to help and the girl was grateful for it. "I'm not sure where they went though."

Her first instinct was to fly off into a grand search of the redhead, but as long as she was in Anna's view, Y/N knew she had calculate her actions carefully.

The brunette shrugged nonchalantly, "Okay. Well I guess I'll just take these back inside then." She lifted the two red cups in her hands so the girls understood what she was talking about. She gave them a tight smile and a quick nod in goodbye, then casually made her way back into the house.

Once she knew there was no way Anna could see her, Y/N instantly put the cups down and began searching for the ginger. It didn't help that Alexis's house was fairly large, and it took the brunette a good eight minutes to hastily move about the downstairs and check every room. Y/N had to admit she kind of felt like a stalker, but something in her gut was telling her she needed to find Brittany. After a thorough search with no sight of the ginger, Y/N considered that maybe they were upstairs.

She pushed her way through the thick crowd and finally made it to the steps. The volume of the music died down as she made it to the top. There were a sufficient amount of rooms to choose from, but Y/N didn't want to just barge into the bedrooms and instead, quietly walked by each door, listening for any signs of Brittany.

As she got to the third room, Y/N could hear what sounded like a quarrel going on in the fourth room next to it and noticed the door was slightly opened. She approached the opening slowly and instantly recognized the voice that rang inside.

"Tyler, how many times do I have to say that I'm sorry!"

Y/N peeked through the small opening and could see the disturbed duo arguing with each other. It was apparent that Brittany had been crying, and as much as Y/N wanted to just burst through the door and wipe those tears away, she knew this was really none of her business and she battled with herself to stay put and just let Brittany handle it.

"I never meant to hurt you."

Tyler was facing the window, anger clearly expressed on his face, then twisted around to come back at the shaky redhead.

"Seriously, Brittany? What the fuck! How can you say that to me?" He stepped closer the louder he got. "We were together for almost two years, then out of no where you just fucking dump me like I'm nothing? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Y/N could feel her anger firing up, but she clenched her fists to help restrain herself.

Let her handle this.

The tears began to fill up Brittany's light eyes once again. "I'm sorry, Tyler! I'm sorry I made you feel like you were nothing, but that's not true! I just-" she looked away from him, "I just don't love you anymore." Her voice was shaky, raspy, and tired. Y/N had never heard her voice sound so weak before. It was heartbreaking.

"That's bullshit! You don't just stop loving someone out of nowhere, Britt!" The redhead dropped her eyes and sniffled as she light shook her head. "So who is it, huh?" It scared Brittany how demanding his voice sounded and anxiously looked up at him.

"W-What?" She choked out.

Tyler took a step closer. "Who the fuck stole you from me, huh? Is it one of the other guys on the team?" Brittany just stood frozen, her mouth slightly opened, and her silence irritated Tyler even more. "Tell me!" He shouted, stepping closer into Brittany's face, almost causing Y/N to lunge inside, but the redhead instantly backed away.

"No, Tyler! No one stole me away from you! I've just felt like I've been drifting apart from you for months now." She explained, trying to make him understand.

"Oh!" He sarcastically chuckled, "So you've just been lying to me this entire time? That's good to know." His volume increased, "That is just fucking great to know that I've been in a bogus relationship with a phony," He moved in closer, making Brittany take another step back, "heartless," another step, and the redhead panicked when she felt the back of her legs run into the bed trim. "And lying," he brought his finger up to her face and was officially too close for Y/N's comfort, "bitch."


Brittany and Tyler simultaneously turned their heads in her direction and were startled by Y/N's unexpected entrance.

"Get away from her!" She shouted, waisting no time stepping in front of the frazzled redhead and standing up to the towering bully.

"Y/N?" Brittany queried and Tyler looked down at her, furrowing his brow.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Y/N's adrenaline rapidly pumped throughout her body, and the only thing she thought about at the moment, was protecting Brittany. "I'm the girlfriend that's about to kick your ass if you don't walk away right now." She threatened, not a single shred of intimidation evident.

Tyler laughed at the younger brunette, clearly not taking her warning seriously. "Yeah, okay. Why don't you move aside so the grown ups can finish talking." He made the mistake of putting his hand on her, lightly shoving her to the side, and Y/N instantly reacted by punching him right in the nose.

She winced at the sudden pain in her knuckles, but managed to knock him back a good step. He shouted in agony and Brittany gasped in shock at everything rapidly falling apart in front of her. Tyler brought his hand down from his nostrils and revealed blood dripping down from his nose. His eyes snapped up and had a deathly focus on the brunette as he impulsively lunged at her.

"You little shit!" He cursed, violently shoving her back and causing her to quickly lose her balance.

"Y/N!" Was the last thing she heard before the back of her head collided with the wooden bed frame behind her.

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