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"Y/N?? Y/N are you okay??" Anna yelled, obviously worried, as she barged into the kitchen with the fire extinguisher. Y/N, who was totally fine, almost let the pan she was holding drop to the floor as she looked at a barely dressed Anna. She was only wearing panties and an oversized shirt and Y/N thought she was way too beautiful.
It would've been perfect if there wasn't a deafening noise disrupting the peaceful morning, a loud beeping that could probably be heard throughout the whole neighborhood.
"You look so fucking beautiful, Camp," Y/N hummed, all of the noise and panic forgotten as soon as she had laid eyes on Anna. But the blonde didn't listen to her, wasn't even able to understand her thanks to the fire alarm that was still going loudly.
"What the hell did you do??" Anna was still panicking and had now climbed on top of the counter so she could take the batteries out of the fire alarm, but only after she had made sure that there was really no fire in the little apartment.
Y/N was all flustered when Anna turned to face her again and she blushed even more when the other girl, despite the situation, let her eyes roam over her body. Y/N wasn't wearing much more than the blonde, who thought that Y/N looked just as beautiful, if not more.
"Uhhh...I made pancakes!" Y/N grinned sheepishly, pointing to the burnt piece of dough in the pan.
To Y/N's surprise, Anna started laughing loudly as she stepped closer to her.
"You're an idiot, Y/N Y/L/N," she hummed and kissed the brunette tenderly, her arms now wrapped around the taller girl's neck.
Y/N happily looked at her and bit her lip.
"After last night I uhhh.... I just wanted to surprise you with a nice breakfast," she mumbled with a pout, mad at herself that she had failed so miserably. And it was true, she had really wanted to surprise the other girl. Had wanted to thank her for the beautiful night they had spent together. Thank her for how safe she had made her feel. But there was also a part of her that simply wanted to impress Anna.
Anna was smiling brightly now, placing little kisses all over Y/N's face.
"There are some that aren't burned, if you want to try one," Y/N grinned and pointed to a plate on the kitchen counter. Anna just shook her head in amusement and grabbed said plate, sitting down at the table. Y/N immediately say next to her and watched her try the only pancake that was truly edible and not burned to its core.
"It's with blueberries!" Anna shrieked happily, making Y/N chuckle. "They're my favorites!"
"I know," Y/N smiled softly and placed a tender kiss on Anna's cheek.
"And?" She asked excitedly while Anna was still chewing, but she could already tell that she hated it. Well, maybe she didn't hate it. Because Anna never ever hated things. But she definitely disliked it. She knew her best friend well enough to know that she was definitely trying to hide her disgust in that moment.
"It's uhmm... it's good," Anna smiled sweetly at her and Y/N snorted.
"Liar!" She grumbled and hid her face in the blonde's hair, pouting.
And Anna, who had started to play with Y/N's hair, began to playfully nibble on her jawline, pulling the other girl even closer.
"It's very sweet that you tried, baby," she hummed happily, her lips moving down to Y/N's neck, who, despite still being a little angry, let out a soft moan.
"Will you come to the bedroom with me?" The blonde then huskily whispered into Y/N's ear, already getting up and pulling the other girl towards the bed they had to share. And boy had the sharing just become a lot more fun!
Y/N didn't have another choice as to follow her, smiling happily.
They were all cuddled up under the covers again just a few seconds later, kissing and exploring each other's bodies lovingly.
"Maybe we can find some things you're better at than cooking," Anna teased as she was kissing Y/N's neck again, making the other girl moan and whimper beneath her.
She felt Y/N nod eagerly and pulled back to look into her eyes that were so full in love in that moment.
"I would love that but, babe...?" The brunette asked rather shyly, biting her lip.
There was a little smirk tugging on the corners of Y/N's lips now.
"Only if you show me how to actually make pancakes later."

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