I'm Sorry

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"You were flirting with her!"
"Babe, what are you talking about?"

Kelley and Y/N. The cutest couple on the set of Pitch Perfect 3. Currently, Kelley claims she saw Y/N flirting with Chrissie. In reality, Y/N and Chrissie were planning Brittany's birthday bash. Although, to everyone around them, they were a little too close for comfort. "Do you think she's prettier than me?", Kelley asked. Y/N frowned upon her statement. "Of course not princess. You're the only one for me.", Y/N told her. Kelley glared at her. "Then tell me what you two were talking about." Y/N froze. Kelley is the worst at keeping secrets. If Y/N tells her, she's gonna go to Brittany. Kelley just stared at her girlfriend in shock. "So that's how it is huh?", she said. Y/N, still frozen, didn't have time to explain because Kelley was already out the door. Y/N sighed and walked out to where the rest of her cast mates were.

"Today, we're going to be doing stunt training for the movie.", Trish yelled. Kelley stood by Brittany and Y/N stood by herself behind everyone else. Everyone could tell there was tension between the two. They decided to let it go though. "Today, we're going to be doing the explosion scene. I need a volunteer to show how to do it. Y/N." Y/N looked up from her shoes and looked at Trish. "Yeah?" "You're my volunteer. Come up here." Y/N walked up to where Trish was standing but not without glancing at her girlfriend as she walked past her. Kelley, though neutral on the outside, was internally freaking out for her girlfriend. Even though they were fighting, she was still worried her girlfriend would get hurt.

Y/N and Trish now stood at the top of the boat. Y/N really underestimated this stunt. She was terrified, but she wouldn't show it. She's the person who's good at hiding her emotions. The only person who could see right through her was Kelley and that's exactly what she was doing right now. Trish was explaining what was going to happen and what Y/N was going to do, which was jump from where she was standing as the explosion went off behind her, into the water. "This should be easy", Y/N thought. She looked at all her fellow cast mates faces, stopping at her girlfriend. "Be careful", Kelley mouthed. Y/N did nothing but nod. Trish, now standing with the girls, told Y/N when she yells jump, that's when she needs to jump. Y/N confirmed the information with a thumbs up. The girls watched anxiously as Y/N got ready for the stunt. Y/N looked at the water below her, ready to jump. The stunt went smoothly, for the guy doing the explosion. Y/N, not so much. The explosion went off and it was so loud, Y/N couldn't hear Trish say jump and a piece of a flying 2 by 4 hit her in the back of the head and she fell unconscious into the water.

Y/N woke up a few hours later in her trailer with an ice pack on her head and a blonde teddy bear cuddling up to her side. Y/N looked down at Kelley and saw the dried tear streaks on her face. She ran her fingers through the blonde locks, stirring the blonde. Kelley looked at Y/N guiltily. "How you feeling soldier?", she asked. "Like I got hit with a baseball bat. Multiple times. In the head.", she responded. Kelley ran her fingers through Y/N's hair gently. "I'm sorry baby." Y/N looked at her as Kelley's eyes started to well with tears. "Baby, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have kept what I was talking to Chrissie about from you." Kelley smiled at her. "Chrissie told me what you guys were talking about." Y/N smiled back. "Good, because I hate fighting with you." Kelley leaned down and kissed her hard. Y/N pulled away biting Kelley's lip. "Just wait till we get home. You relax, I'm gonna do all the work tonight." Kelley got up and looked at Y/N seductively before exiting the trailer before going to inform everyone that Y/N was awake. "Tease.", Y/N mumbled before falling back asleep.

Aubrey2016 I hope you like it!!


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