Partying Gone Wrong Part 2

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"Y/N!" Brittany shook the unconscious brunette, cradling her head in her lap and allowing some of her tears to fall onto the younger girl's face. "Y/N, are you okay?"

After the push, Tyler immediately panicked. He looked at Brittany with regretful eyes and quickly murmured an, "I'm sorry," before bolting out of the room. Brittany didn't care where the boy went, all of her worries went straight to the injured little brunette lying on the ground.

Brittany's mind raced as she processed everything all at once. The arguing, the yelling, Y/N coming to her rescue, the push. But despite the many options she had, Brittany just couldn't find the strength to move from her current hunched over position, desperately waiting for Y/N to come back to her.

"Come on, Y/N/N..." The actress pleaded, gently running her fingers through the singer's soft hair. She watched the girl's still face and admired how peaceful she looked. Granted the unfortunate circumstances, Brittany found herself fantasizing about what it would be like to wake up to that same face on a Sunday morning, where everything was perfect. There would be no secrets, no stress. Just them. And the only thing they would have to worry about was wether they would make pancakes or waffles for breakfast.

Brittany's little daydream was delightfully interrupted when Y/N's face slightly stirred. The brunette had only been out for less than five minutes, but to Brittany, it felt like an eternity.

"Y/N?" The singer still had her eyes closed, but released a light groan from the back of throat and her brow furrowed. A smile instantly spread widely across the redhead's face and she let out a breath of relief. "Y/N, hey it's okay. I'm here," she cooed, the pace of her caressing fingers increasing, "I'm here."

The brunette immediately recognized the sweet voice slowly bringing her back to the real world and croaked out a soft, "Brittany" before finally blinking her dark eyes open.

"There you are." The redhead grinned, moving one of her woven hands from Y/N's hair and placing it on the singer's cheek. "Are you okay?"

Y/n stared up into Brittany's glossy eyes and suddenly felt her heart beating harder in her chest. A teary eyed Brittany wasn't a sight Y/N took pleasure in seeing, but knowing that those tears were there because she had fallen and gotten hurt, meant the world to the singer. Y/N wasn't used to people genuinely caring about her, especially unbelievably amazing people like Brittany Snow.

The throbbing pain in the back of the brunette's head was definitely apparent, but surprisingly not as overwhelming as she thought it would be. Y/N also felt a bit dazed, but overall it just felt like she got a good bump to the head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She muttered, mildly pushing herself up from her comfortable position on Brittany's lap. The actor admired Y/N's will power, but she didn't want her to over do it and gently held her in place.

"Okay Miss Badass, take it easy there." She snickered, "A few of our dancer girls have gotten concussion before. I just want to make sure you're okay." The brunette insisted on getting up anyway, so Brittany made sure to hold onto her tiny form and helped her up the rest of the way.

Y/N was finally standing on her own two feet, then suddenly remembered why she had fallen in the first place. Her eyes widened, "Where's Tyler? Did he hurt you?"

Brittany softly ran her fingers through the singer's hair, "No, I'm okay. He ran off after you fell."

The news was relieving, but it didn't change Y/N's current opinion of Tyler being a complete son of a bitch. The way he treated Chloe was just unacceptable and Y/N was definitely not going to forget it.

She released an, "Oh" when she processed that Tyler didn't lay a hand on the actress and was so far no longer a problem for them.

"I'm so sorry..."

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