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Y/N sat bolt upright in bed with a loud gasp. Her hands propped up her weight behind as she sat with the duvet pooled around her waist. She scanned the pitch black room before deflating with a tired sigh when there was nothing out of the ordinary.
She jumped again when a finger jabbed her in the ribs.
"Hey!" Y/N grumbled, the tiredness suddenly washing over her again as she lay back down. The same finger that had just jabbed her repeated it's action but this time on her cheek. Y/N reached up to try and snatch it but the combination of sleepiness still fogging her brain and the duvet entangling her hand, she failed, missing the digit by a second.
Y/N turned her head to look at the person next to her, trying her best to scowl without closing her eyes too narrow; if she did then she knew she would fall asleep mid scold and the whole thing would be a moot point.
"Hey." Y/N repeated, finally making out the shape of wild hair and a wide awake set of eyes on the pillow next to hers. "Cut it out."
Y/N felt her body falling back to sleep when the finger that had jabbed her awake began to trail nonsensical patterns over her face. Over her nose, her lips and then over the line that appeared in her forehead when she furrowed her brow in annoyance at being kept awake. Then, just as Y/N was reaching her limit of irritancy, a final poke to her cheek was delivered.
"Come. Warmth." Hailee said quietly. Said it so softly and sleepily that any annoyance she had managed to rile up in Y/N simply washed away.
It happened basically every night. Hailee would poke Y/N awake whenever she rolled too far away, claiming that she was too cold without Y/N's arms wrapped around her. Though how that was the case when she basically had all the duvet anyway, Y/N always wondered. But it happened every night because every night Y/N would get irritated and then Hailee would say those two words and Y/N would shuffle back into her, giving her exactly what she wanted.
And tonight was no exception.
Y/N rolled her eyes before shuffling back over to Hailee's side of the bed, just about catching the smug smile on her girlfriend's face before she turned over to face the other way. Y/N draped an arm over Hailee's waist and cuddled up until she was engulfing Hailee in warmth and affection again. Hailee sighed happily as Y/N felt her eyelids getting heavy again.
"You're such a shit." Y/N mumbled sleepily into Hailee's hair, her hand coming to rest against Hailee's lower abdomen underneath the sleep shirt she had stolen from Y/N.
"I love you too." Hailee responded softly, her hand coming to cover Y/N's. Instead of the words being echoed back, Hailee just heard a light snore in her ear, a sure sign that Y/N was dead asleep for the night again. Hailee chuckled under her breath before scooting backwards so there was not an inch of space between the two of them, her eyes beginning to close as the warmth of Y/N's sleeping body along with her light snoring and steady thump of her heart against Hailee's back sent her back to sleep.

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