Fake Engagement, Real Love

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"No, momma, she's not home right now. Yes - it finally happened. Yes, I know you and daddy want to meet her. Yeah. Yes. Thank you, momma. Yes, thank you. I'll tell her. I love you. Thank you."

Aubrey let out a strangled sigh, throwing herself down onto the couch with a huff. If she had to deal with one more phone call from -

"Hello?" She answered, voice full of contempt.

Eyes widened as she realized it was her father calling. She sat up straighter, choking back a gag as she nodded along with the conversation.

"Ah!" A strangled squeak escaped her lips, clearing her throat in favor of a cough. "I - we - will be so happy to see you! Bye bye, daddy."

The iPhone flew across the room, bouncing off the wall and onto the floor. There may or may not have been a string of cuss words screamed out - Aubrey will tell you that it may not have happened, but Chloe will tell you that it may have.

"Bree? What's up?" Chloe's eyes widened as she looked around the room, taking in the disheveled appearance of the blonde - who was about to wear holes in the carpet from her pacing - and gathered that whatever had happened, it wasn't good.

"Remember how I told daddy I was seeing someone? To get him off my back about Chad's wedding?" Aubrey spoke animatedly with her hands, lips jerking to and fro as she spoke.

"Yes, I remember that. Why?" Chloe asked carefully, eyes still trained on the blonde's lips.

Ever since Pukegate 2011, Chloe had been especially careful to avoid the - er, firing range - when Aubrey was upset.

"Momma asked if I was ever going to get engaged and I - stupid, stupid me - said I already was!"

Chloe nodded, brows furrowing in thought. "And this is bad?"

"Because they're coming! They're coming to visit next weekend! That gives me approximately ten days to meet someone, fall in love, and get engaged -"

The blonde made a beeline for the bathroom, hunching over the toilet as Chloe followed her, shaking her head.

She knelt beside Aubrey and rubbed her back gently, soft and soothing circles, mulling her words over before she spoke.

"I can fake it, you know I can."

"Won't - no -" Aubrey panted out between heaves, reaching around to grip the redhead's knee as she continued to heave.


It was the middle of the night and honest to god, Aubrey had no clue what she was doing at Y/N's door - aside from the obvious, propositioning the brunette to go along with her crazy plan.

She knocked once, softly, then hammered on the door until the brunette opened up, eyes half lidded with sleep and headphones around her neck.

"About fucking time!" She pushed past Y/N into her apartment - a cute, quaint little thing, if you're into that - and plopped down onto the couch.

"Oh, yes master. To what do I owe this immense pleasure at - what time is it? - three in the morning on a Sunday?" Y/N yawned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she sat across from the blonde.

"You're my fiancée now. Okay, long story, but I told my momma I got engaged because - god - I am so sick of being pressured, but I don't exactly have anyone I'm seeing, and no offense, you're not really the type daddy would want to see me with." Aubrey rushed out, dropping her head into her hands.

"None taken, buttmunch. You told your mom that you're engaged? Fucking wild!" Y/N laughed, shaking her head.

"Are you going to be my fake fiancée or not?" Aubrey's words were terse, to the point.

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