The One

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The world around Chloe seemed to move in slow motion. She heard gun shots, and the next thing she knew, she was hitting the ground and then there was nothing. Just stillness as the shooting came to an end, her eyes closing as her head impacted the ground and then everything went black.
Everything felt heavy, like she was swimming underwater and she could see the surface. In the distance she could hear screaming and people shouting orders, her name being called, Y/N's name being called. Y/N! Y/N had pushed her to the ground.
With every ounce of strength she had, Chloe's eyes fluttered open, wincing at the pain in the back of her head and the sick feeling that settled in her stomach. The dizziness was almost unbearable, but it was beginning to fade just as Chicago came rushing over, crouching down beside her.
"CHLOE! Are you okay?" He asked, his voice clearly displaying his concern as some of his fellow soldiers gathered around Gustavs dead body. With Chicago's help, Chloe began to sit up slowly, rubbing at the back of her head. Pulling it away she noticed there was no blood. Everything seemed to be okay, she just needed to check on Y/N.
"Y/N," Chloe suddenly muttered, growing more anxious as she started to shift about, clawing at Chicago's arms as she tried to see around him and then, like a stabbing pain in her chest her eyes landed on the prone brunette just a foot away from her.
"NOOOOOO!!!!" She screamed, using Chicago as leverage to pull herself up before pushing him aside, crashing to her knees beside her best friend as she gently turned her over, her eyes landing on the bullet hole in the centre of Y/N's chest, blood pouring out an alarming rate.
Lifting the women into her arms as best she could, Chloe cradled her, the motion pulling Y/N from from her unconscious state, unfocused eyes finally settling on the eyes of the one she loved.
"Y/N," Chloe cried as she gently stroked her cheek. A tired smile slowly crossed Y/N's lips as she used what little energy she had left to rest her hand over the one cupping her face.
"I-I love y-you Chlo," came Y/N's strangled response, the pain she was feeling evident to anyone who could hear. Chloe couldn't contain the sob that escaped her, tears streaming down her face as she cradled Y/N closer to her.
"It's you Y/N/N, it's always been you," Chloe whispered, Y/N's smile growing at finally hearing the words she'd been longing to hear. She was Chloe's, at last. Pressing her lips to Y/N's forehead, Chloe said the words she had been holding onto for so many years.
"I love you too."
Y/N's smile grew even more if that were even possible and then, her eyes grew heavy, her lungs felt strained, like they were full of liquid, and the urge to cough consumed her. Chloe leaned back as the first cough came, bringing with it a pool of blood that gathered in the younger woman's mouth and slipped out the side of it, leaving a track down her cheek.
"Y/N/N," Chloe said her eyes locking on to the eyes of the women she loved before they fell shut and Chloe was left staring at the pale lifeless face of the person she had been desperately longing to be with.
"No, no, no, no Y/N wake up," she cried gently shaking the woman only to receive nothing in response. "Y/N wake up, please," she pleaded, the other Bella's in tears as they watched on, unable to do anything to help.
At that moment a medical unit came barging through with a stretcher and various medical equipment, imposing on the two women in an attempt to save the one who was slowly losing her grasp on life. Chicago reached down and wrapped Chloe up in his arms just as two field medics began to pry Y/N from her arms.
"Chloe, let her go, they need to help her," he reasoned as he tried to stand her up, but her legs were weak he could feel her resisting as she continued to plead for the girl to wake up. Needing to do something, Aubrey dashed over to her best friend and grabbed a hold of her.
"Chloe c'mon they need to help her, c'mon," Aubrey begged, finally getting Chloe to stand up and let the medics work with the help of Chicago who was keeping her upright.
"Please Y/N/N," Chloe's raspy voiced pleaded as she watched the love of her life be strapped to a stretcher and picked up by four soldiers. She tried to keep up with them as they loaded Y/N into a waiting helicopter but she was prevented from going any further, not having the room to take her with them, Chicago promised to take them to whatever hospital they were going to.
And as she watched the chopper take flight, she did the one thing she never did, she prayed. To someone, anyone, for Y/N to pull through so that she could spend the rest of her life showing her how much she loved her and how much she meant to her. Mostly she prayed that she wasn't too late.

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