Chapter 1: Where is the food?

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Disclaimer: Of course, I do not own Devil may Cry... sadly :(

Kyrie, a brunette, beautiful young woman, opened the door to the little flat that she newly shared with her boyfriend Nero. As she had expected, he was not there. And of course she had no idea, where he was or whether he was in trouble - as always. Probably he was hunting down some demons.

But today she did not have to wait for long: the door opened and the white haired handsome young man entered the room. There was a light, pounding glow shining from under his coat... Kyrie knew that it was his devil bringer, a demonic arm that was part of her boyfriend's heritage: he was partial devil. But even though this was weird, Kyrie did not care. She loved him as he was because she knew about his pure heart and besides he had saved her life many times. For example that time when a demon called Sanctus wanted her to be some kind of a sacrifice for a demonic machine that would have destroyed everything. But the white haired had risked his life for hers.

He came up to her and hugged her, then kissed her on the lips and sighed: "Hey Kyrie, love. Sorry I'm late, but it's really been a tough day. I have no idea, where these damn creatures always come from!" "Nero, but please, promise me that you are careful! I don't wanna lose you, I love you too much!" Kyrie told him. He gave her a soothing smile: "Don't worry about me; you know that I have demonic healing. Nothing can happen to me that won't heal in a moment." Then Nero turned around and headed for the kitchen. He opened the fringe and asked: "Hey, Kyrie, where's the food?" "Um, I guess, we don't have anything left, cause you are always eating for two." She laughed as a response. "It's normal that I eat for two, because I am two: my devil trigger and I." Of course Nero did not mean that he was really two people, his devil trigger, a demonic aura in form of a blue devil that appeared behind him when he triggered, was part of him. It was part of his heritage and he had discovered that ability, when he got the demonic sword Yamato.

"Well, then I guess I should really get some!" he noted and headed for the door again. He pecked his girlfriend's lips again and said: "See you later, love!" With these words, he left their little flat - that really had seen better days - not knowing that everything would change when he came back. Not knowing that his whole life would change and that it would never be the same again...

*** *** ***

Alright everyone, this is the first chapter of my new story and I am so incredibly excited! I already got the whole story plot written on paper and I only gotta type the exact story. I know that this chapter is short and I can't promise that the others will be longer but I can promise, that it will get absolutely exciting! Please give me some feedback and tell me what you think! The picture shows Nero and Kyrie.



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