Chapter 10: The Castle

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Soon, the two demon slayers had gotten close to the castle, not just close but they were literally standing in front of the huge front door.

Nero hesitated, this seemed really odd… “Hold on a second! Dante, where are the guards?” Before Dante could answer, they heard Vergil’s voice, it seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It did not belong to him in person like he was standing somewhere, it just came out of the air. “That, my dearest son, is a good question. By the way, I’m surprised that you’re still alive – not in a positive way. It doesn’t matter anyway… I have underestimated your demonic healing once and I won’t do it again.” Before he could go on, Dante shouted: “Maybe you won’t underestimate his demonic healing, but still you will underestimate him, I promise you!” Vergil’s voice laughed. “Think what you wanna think, brother. However, the guards – there are no guards. We all know that you would get past them and I don’t wanna wait for long. Besides, I want to kill you myself and I want to see the look in your eyes as I do so.”

After these words the huge front door just opened and Dante and Nero changed a look before they entered the castle. Nero was impressed, it was really huge and old. It looked like nobody had been there for centuries. “Where do we have to go?” Nero whispered as he noticed the doors on the sides of the entry hall.

“To the ballroom. It’s the room over us, up the stairs at the end of the hall.” Dante responded. “How can you be sure?” Nero asked surprised as he had expected something like the dungeon or the torture chamber. “Because I can feel that Vergil is up there.”

So the two climbed the stairs and finally they were in another huge room – the ballroom.


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So finally a new chapter for you! You guys are absolutely amazing and the best ever! Thank you for reading and voting for my story! 

I know this chapter is really short and at first I indended to write a longer one, but then I thought this might be a good cliffhanger. The story soon comes to an end and I just wanna thank you again for being such loyal readers even though I'm not the best writer. I am not entirely satisfied with my story but I guess that it doesn't matter for a story on wattpad because writing stories here is for fun and for sharing one's ideas with others!

till next time


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