Chapter 14: Darkness

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‘Am I dead? Where am I? Is this hell? I am a demon, I can only be in hell… But if that’s hell, then why am I alone?’ Nero’s thoughts where going in circles. Still his whole body was aching, but it was not on fire anymore. He could feel the pain through the darkness. The darkness that was like a shield to him. A shield that kept the worst pain away. He was glad to be there. Even though he was alone – alone in the darkness. He could not see anything, and he could not sense anything with his demonic senses. But he didn’t care. He had pushed Vergil through the gate that was all that mattered. Dante would take care of Kyrie.

Kyrie… He had fought for her. He had tried to save her…

And Dante… He had just found out that he was his uncle, that he had a family. A family worth fighting for. He did not want to die, but he also did not have the strength to go back into the light. And there was a tiny little part of him that just wanted to shut down all feelings and stay in the darkness.

He heard Dante’s voice begging him to come back, but he heard it from far away, as if he was already in another room – or another world. Dante would get over losing his nephew. He was a tough guy and never showed emotions. And Kyrie… he would not have been good for her anyway. No matter how much they loved each other. Besides, he was still being searched for kidnapping her. Nobody would believe that it was not him – he was a demon.

So maybe it was better to die. It was better for everyone. Vergil had said that he was a mistake. That he never should have existed. So dying was the right thing – the only right thing.

Then he felt as if a raindrop fell on his face – wait, a raindrop?!

‘My body is in a closed castle… And I – my spirit – is just somewhere alone in darkness. There is not a raindrop here.’ Nero told himself. Just when he had persuaded himself of having imagined things, he felt it again. ‘Dammit, can’t I even die in piece?!’

Nero realized that it was Dante crying over him. He did not know how he knew, but he could just tell that it was him. His uncle who never showed emotions cared and cried for him. He did not wanna die, he did not wanna leave. So he fought, he tried to get back into the light and just as he was about to succeed, there was a green light. A green wall of light that would not let him get back into the world of the living, no matter how hard he tried. He realized that this was the sword. The green blade’s ‘magic’ – or whatever you could call it – kept him from returning to his loved ones.

Nero’s eyes were closed and his face was pale. Dante was still pressing his hands on the kid’s wounds. But he had to see that there was not much effect of doing so.

“Help him, please!” Kyrie cried.

Dante was trying, he really was. He thought desperately of anything to help Nero. The kid’s throat had already healed from the demonic healing, Nero’s breaths were even but really shallow. But Dante knew that the blood loss was too big and the wounds would not even start to heal… This damn blade…

‘That’s it! The blade!’ Dante thought. The blade had caused the wound, so maybe if he could destroy it, the effects would be broken.

“HOLD ON, KID!” he shouted at Nero as he jumped to his feet and looked around.

Yes! As he had expected, Vergil had dropped the greed blade as Nero had pushed him through the Hell Gate. Dante sped over to it. The once green blade was now red from Nero’s blood.

“Father, you gave me this sword” he said as he rose Rebellion “it is filled with your power. Combined with my own power, it has to be able to destroy this”

With these words, Dante triggered, rose Rebellion high above his head and brought it down on Vergil’s green blade with as much strength as he could. There was a huge crashing sound as he hit the green sword with his red one and his trigger faded, leaving Dante falling to his knees – exhausted.

The green blade was history, it lay on the ground, shattered and the green light faded in one last glow.
Dante turned to Nero:

“Come on, kid, time to wake up!”

***   ***   ***

There is another update and it is not the end! I felt like writing one more chapter and I just couldn't write the end just now. So I decided to write more about their situation now and not just bringing it to an fast end.

I hope that you are satisfied with the chapter, you are such great people. You're comments and votes made me so happy that I just wanted to go on.

However, now there really is not much left to add to this story so the end will be up soon.

Tell me what you liked best in the story and what made it special for you!


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