Chapter 9: Ready? Fight!

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Nero and Dante were now heading up another hill and they knew that the castle was on top of it.

“Do you really think that we can just enter it through the front door?” Nero asked for the third time. Dante laughed: “You don’t believe me, do you? I’ll explain the situation to you: Vergil knows that I know every possible way to get into the building and he knows that I am with you. So it doesn’t matter where we try to get in: we’ll have to fight everywhere.”

They had been walking all day and the air was getting colder and colder, there was even snow all over the place now. It was really freezing, but Nero didn’t care. All he cared about was finding Kyrie.

Then he felt tickling of his demon senses that he had felt so many times before. Nero was relieved as he realized that his senses worked fully again. He sensed four demons, they were on the rocks above him and Dante and Nero just knew that they were some demons of Vergil’s army and that they were like some guardians of the castle that Dante had spoken of. This again meant that they were really close to Kyrie.

Nero gave Dante a quick glare and he saw that his uncle nodded in approval: They were ready to fight the demons. The two demon slayers drew their swords and prepared to whatever kind of demons they would have to fight in any second. Right at that moment the demons that they had sensed jumped on the path in front of them: three Frosts (Ice demons that have sharp claws).

Dante sped towards the first one without hesitating and placed a good strike on with his sword on the demon. Nero realized that the sword did not do as much damage as it did to other demons because the Frosts had some kind of an armor of sharp ice and this gave Nero an idea: what if he could use this hard armor against the others? The two other Frosts approached him and he did not raise his blade, he quickly used his devil bringer (the ability of his demonic arm to have some huge double that can pull enemies close, hit them hard, etc.) to grab the demon and hurl it through the air, then still in hold of it, he hit the remaining one with it. Nero grinned as the saw the huge damage that the armor left on the other demon. It crashed the whole ice armor of the Frost and Nero repeatedly hit it with the other one. Finally both of them were finished and as he turned around he could see that Dante had also finally finished his enemy.

“I would really love to have such an arm, Nero, you should start considering it as a gift and one day it will save your life!” Dante said. Nero gave him a weak smile, remembering the pain of Vergil’s arm in his chest. “This arm shows my devil side… I guess, it has already saved my life…” Dante put an arm on his shoulder and told him: “And I am glad it did. Nero, you will save Kyrie, we are nearly there and I know that you will be able to accept this arm as a gift.”

They continued their way and after they had passed a huge rock they could finally see the castle. Nero could feel that Kyrie was close, she had to be close. He wanted nothing more than knowing that she was safe again. Then his thoughts returned to his first fight against his father. Vergil had nearly killed him and even the thought of the pain was unbearable. Nero understood that Dante had had his doubts that Nero could recover from his injuries, even with the demonic healing. And Nero also realized that he was scared of facing his father again…

Dante noticed Nero’s fear and he gave him an encouraging smile: “Don’t worry, this time we will face him together and we will save Kyrie.”

Nero could only hope that he was right…

***   ***   ***

Yeah, finally an update! I wanted to continue writing last week, but then my word broke down and I could not continue... However, I wanted to publish another chapter before I am going to go on my graduation trip on Saturday for one week, but due to said problems I doubt that I will be able to update again this week. 

But still: Thank you so much for reading voting and commenting! This means so much to me especially because this is my second fanfiction and I don't think that I am the most talented writer on earth but that's ok, I don't have to be. I am just so happy that there are some people out there who actually enjoy reading my story!

till next time


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