Chapter 3: Where are you?

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The next morning, Nero and Kyrie had breakfast together just like any ordinary day. After breakfast Nero gathered his things: His sword Red Queen and his gun Blue Rose. He did not have to take Yamato, because the demonic weapon was sort of hidden in his own demonic aura, his devil trigger.

“Bye, love, see you tonight!” Nero told Kyrie before grabbing his coat and leaving the flat. The day before he had fought some demons that behaved weird: they were sort of patrolling through the city and they seemed to be heading for some particular place. He had this strong feeling that something huge was about to come – something huge and evil. And Nero was desperate to stop it before it could get worse. Fortuna had already seen enough demons and had had enough problems with them. Nero wanted to eliminate the new threat before it could be noticed by the citizens. Or more noticed than it had already: There were many people murdered in recent time, but still the citizens did not suspect demons.

Nero walked through the streets in the area where he had fought demons the day before. He did not go in any particular direction; he was only concentrating on his demonic senses. Finally he sensed some demonic auras. They were here. Some Scarecrows stepped out in front of him. (Demonic figures with a body of ballooned rags and some huge blades as arms or legs) Nero had never had problems in killing these ones.

“How often do I have to tell you demons to get out of this city? I wonder why you don’t learn anything!” Saying this he jumped into the fight, swinging Red Queen and jumping around in an acrobatic way, so the Scarecrows did not even get close to him. Finally the last one was finished off.

That was what Nero continued doing the whole day: he fought off different kinds of demons in the streets of Fortuna, trying to eliminate them all, before they could harm the people or get noticed by everyone. The sun was already going down, when Nero headed home. ‘Kyrie’s already gonna be waiting for me, I better hurry’ he thought to himself. Finally he arrived at the flat and entered. But nobody was in sight. “Kyrie?” he yelled. When nobody answered he got a little worried. Kyrie was always home when he arrived. Nero searched the whole flat – which was not that big – repeatedly yelling her name, but never getting an answer. “Kyrie, where are you?” He yelled, now he was really worried about the love of his life. ‘Maybe she’s with her brother Credo’, he suddenly thought. Normally she would have told him, but he only knew one thing for sure: Kyrie was not here, so he could also go and search for her at Credo’s.

So Nero left again and headed for Credo’s home. When he arrived there, he knocked at the door. It was opened immediately by Credo, but when he recognized Nero, he grabbed him, pulled him inside and threw him at the next wall. Nero was about to get up, when Credo approached him, shouting: “Where is she? What did you do to her? What did you do to my sister?” Now Nero was more than just confused, what the hell did Credo want from him?

“I did nothing to her! I don’t know where she is! That’s why I came here! I came home and she was missing!” Nero tried to explain, but Credo did not listen to him. “I was hunting down demons the whole day; I could not have even done anything to her!” Credo did not believe a word he said and only pulled out a paper, it was a letter, and threw it at Nero. He caught it and read it. It was a message from Kyrie, saying that she was scared that he – Nero – would do something to her. “This is not true, Kyrie did not write this!” Nero exclaimed. Credo gave him a death glare: “Stop it! I know you are guilty! There are no demons in the city – not anymore, at least not enough for a full day! Now tell me what you did to my sister! You can’t escape, I already told the order to arrest you!” He shouted and stormed towards Nero again. (the order is some organization of knights, they keep the city save)

Determined, Nero raised his demonic arm and knocked Credo out. “I’m sorry Credo, but I did not do anything!” After these last words, he escaped of the house and made his way through the dark city, always hiding and making sure not to be spotted by anyone.

Finally the tears were coming down his face: he had lost the love of his life and had no idea where she was and even worse – the people were thinking that he was the one who took Kyrie. What on earth was he supposed to do? Who would kidnap Kyrie? Nero had come to the conclusion that she must have been kidnapped because there was no corpse or anything and he could just feel that she was still alive.

Then suddenly he just knew who it was: that guy from the day before – Vergil. It must have been Vergil. Nero did not know why but he was absolutely sure that it had been that guy, he knew it. Then he heard some knights of the order searching for him… He had to get out of the city, but where could he go? And finally he remembered one place, with the only one who could help him, who would believe him. So he headed out of the city…

***   ***   ***

Wow, this is the third chapter in three days - uh four daiy, cause it's seven minutes past midnight... But still this is weird for me, I don't write that much normally. Still I would love to get some votes and feedback!

PS: The picture shows a Scarecrow

till next time


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