Chapter 8: Let's go!

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During the night, Dante could see Nero tremble in pain and it made him feel bad. He should have been there earlier to save him… But at least the young one would heal in his sleep now and Dante was sure that the kid would me much better in the morning. He did as he promised: he thought really hard of where his twin brother could have taken Kyrie. It must be somewhere near, because apparently Vergil planned to take over Fortuna… And suddenly it hit him: There was one place where Vergil could have gone. One place of that he knew every single room, corner and hidden door…

An hour later, Nero began to wake up. He still felt a pain in his chest but it was bearable. He slowly sat up straight and saw Dante looking at him with a worried expression on his face – not just worried but also caring. “How are you feeling, kid? And don’t even try to lie, because I will know you do.” Nero sighed in defeat, he knew Dante was right. “Well, it still hurts but not much. I am okay, really. But we can’t waste any time, we gotta save Kyrie!” “And I have an idea, where Vergil must have taken her. There is an old castle nearby, Vergil and I used to play there as kids and he loved it back then. It was full of old weapons and so on – I guess it is just the sort of place where Vergil would take her.” “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Nero exclaimed and jumped to his feet. He ignored the pain in his chest but mentally noted not to jump around unless it was absolutely necessary. Dante noticed that the boy was in pain as he jumped up, but he didn’t say anything because he knew that it would be worthless.

So they started their way to the old castle. They were walking through a forest, when Dante stopped. Nero realized what he had noticed: he could sense some demons. He was a little surprised as he already heard them coming, because normally he could sense them much earlier. Dante saw him staring in the demon’s direction – shocked by how close they were. “Your demonic senses are still weak, because you gotta heal entirely. It’s five Assaults (demons that resemble large, lizard-like creatures with oversized claws on their left hands)” Dante did not have to continue, Nero prepared himself for the fight: he drew Red Queen and concentrated on the approaching creatures. Dante grinned and drew his sword, Rebellion.

The fight was not that hard, Nero used his demon arm to pull the enemies close and killed them with his sword. Well, the last part took a little longer than normal. He had just finished his second enemy as he saw a large claw shooting towards his head. He could not react but just before he could be hit by it, the last Assault fell to the ground – Dante had killed it just in time.

“Thanks, Dante…” Nero whispered. Dante just shook it off and they continued their way…

***   ***   ***

I am so sorry that I did not update for a long time, but here it is! I really hope that you guys enjoy reading my story and I gotta tell you now that it really means the world to me that there are actually some people who read it. It doesn't matter how many, every single one counts!

Again thank you so much for reading!

till next time


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