Epilog: Three month later

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“Devil May Cry, how can I help you?” Kyrie picked up the phone since the two partial devils didn’t even bother – they were just having pizza. Pizza for breakfast! She finished the call and informed the two demon slayers: “That was Trish. She told me to tell you to go to Fortuna, cause there are some ‘Assaults’ and she said you gotta stop them.”

Nero stopped eating and looked at her in surprise: “Assaults? In the city? That’s weird…”

“What are ‘Assaults’? I mean obviously they are demons, but what kind?”

“Normally they are only in forests, or at least in the nature.” Nero told her. Kyrie had been living with her boyfriend and his uncle for three month now, but still she didn’t know much about demons. She didn’t want to know too much about them because if she did, she would only worry even more about the two of them.

“Okay, whatever. Kyrie, sweetie, would you please order pizza for diner? Thank you. And Nero, come on let’s kick their dirty little demon asses!” Dante exclaimed in the best mood ever. Kyrie would never understand, why this crazy guy was always so happy when he got to hunt some demons. Well, maybe it was because he was crazy.

“Yeah, let’s rock!” Nero grabbed his coat, Red Queen and Blue Rose. Then the two hunters left with one last “Bye, love!”

They didn’t have to search long for the Assaults in Fortuna, they just followed the screams. They fought some time against the demons and soon were joined by knights of the order. Finally they managed to kill them all. Fortuna was save again. Then the captain of the knights went to thank the two of them. He shook Dante’s hand with the words: “I’m Captain Samuel. In the name of all citizens of Fortuna: thank you for helping to protect our city!” “Never mind, it was fun, wasn’t it!” Dante laughed. Then Samuel turned to Nero and his eyes grew big in shock:

“You-you’re Nero, the guy they’re looking for!”

Nero took a step back. “Listen… I’m not what you think…” he tried to explain.

“So you’re not a partial devil?”

“Well… I am partial devil, but I mean no harm to any of you!”

“I’ve heard different. I have to arrest you.”

Now Dante spoke up: “Look, this kid saved your ass in this fight more than once. He didn’t even have to come back and save Fortuna, but he did. He is a demon hunter and so am I; whatever you were told that he did: it’s not true. Try to arrest him and you’ll have to fight both of us and I promise you that you won’t have a chance against us.”

Samuel struggled with himself. What that red man had said was true, the kid really had saved his life. And to be honest, this young white haired lad with crystal blue eyes really did not seem to mean any harm.

“But I heard you kidnapped Kyrie and there are rumors that she’s dead. Prove me that I’m wrong and I am convinced.”

“Kyrie isn’t dead and I haven’t kidnapped her! I would never hurt her, I love her!”

“Then where is she?”

“In a shop called ‘Devil May Cry’. She lives there with me and Dante.”

One of the knights who had fought with them approached: “Captain, what are your orders?” They all knew that he was referring to Nero.

Samuel thought for a moment. “Return to headquarters. Tell them the demons are killed. I will accompany these two gentlemen. You won’t tell anybody of Nero. I will find out whether he is telling the truth. I know Kyrie from childhood days and I will talk to her.”

“Aye, Captain!” the knight responded and disappeared again.

Nero, Dante and Samuel went back to ‘Devil May Cry’.

They entered the shop and Nero was about to call for Kyrie, when she ran downstairs and into his arms. He hugged her tight and she told him: “I was scared you wouldn’t return!”

“I would never leave you, you are my life and the reason for my heart to beat!”

Kyrie smiled at him and pecked his lips. Then she realized that they were not alone. She looked at the man in the Order’s uniform in disbelief. “Sammy?!” She exclaimed.

Samuel chuckled. “Kyrie, it’s good to see you alive. Nero, I gotta apologize for not believing you in the first place. I will do everything to convince headquarters of your innocence.”

“Okay, guys stop this happy ever after talking, I get it: Peace everywhere, you just have to persuade the demons. Kyrie, have you ordered pizza? I’m starving!”

“Me too.” Nero said

Kyrie laughed: “You are always starving!”

The End.

***   ***   ***

So this is officially the end. Thank you all for reading this story! I am so happy about all of your votes and comments! Writing this story was so much fun, because of you. It would be great to get some final feedback fefering to the whole story.

This was my second actual story, the first one should have been a cliche love story, but it was too boring, so I decided to create a character who was sort of crazy and wanted to kill them all. :D

I am a little sad that the story is already over and only so short... But now I can think of a new project. It will definitely be an action filled story again because it's just so much fun writing such things.

Normally authors say thank you to their family and so on after a story. But I just want to thank you again because seriously: You are the best and without you, I might not have had so much fun writing this. ♥♥♥



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