Chapter 6: "I owe you nothing!"

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“Whatever you say, old man! “ Nero told Dante. As soon as Dante heard the younger one’s respond he knew that the boy did not listen to him. But he also knew that he could not change anything by arguing and he hoped that Nero would at least wait with doing something silly until he got some sleep. So he just went upstairs to take a nap.

He did not sleep for long, only about thirty minutes but when he woke up he knew that something was wrong. Dante concentrated for a while and suddenly he realized: he did not sense Nero’s demonic aura even though the boy should be asleep downstairs. He quickly got his red coat and his guns Ebony and Ivory and went downstairs. As he had already expected Nero was gone. “Damn, kid, I told you not to do something stupid!” he cursed under his breath.

Dante knew that Nero was absolutely outraged and desperate because of this whole Kyrie-thing and that was why he feared the worst: Nero could have wanted to take revenge on Vergil and in this case Dante could only hope that Nero would not find his brother.

So Dante took off immediately in order to search for Nero. He sped out of Jakarta and towards Fortuna. When he was near the city, he finally sensed a extremely powerful demonic aura and he recognized it at once as Vergil’s. Dante’s face hardened as he continued searching the area for a certain demonic aura – the one that belonged to the kid. He knew that Nero was not actually a kid but hey, he was his nephew so Nero would always stay a kid in Dante’s eyes. Suddenly his eyes widened: he was finally successful. He had just sensed another aura – a worrying weak one that was definitely Nero’s.

So Dante quickly followed the trace and reached the top of a hill near the city Fortuna. But the scene he was seeing let his heart stop. There were the triggered figures of Vergil and Nero but what actually caused his heart to stop was the fact that Nero was barely conscious – Vergil’s whole arm went through Nero’s chest. Nero’s whole body seemed to be covered in blood, exactly as the ground and there was even blood pouring out of Nero’s mouth in masses.

Vergil moved his arm in Nero’s chest and spoken one let out one last pain filled, weak groan before his trigger faded. That caused Dante to get out of being frozen in shock. He knew that Nero’s trigger fading was the clear sign for only one thing: the kid could die any second because there was not the tiniest little bit of strength left in Nero. So Dante jumped in, screaming: “NERO!”

This action caused Vergil to look up from his son: “Ah hello, dear brother! So you come to know my son… That’s really funny because he is just like you: he doesn’t see that he owes me loyalty.” “He owes you nothing, nor do I! You better realize that the whole human world including Nero is much better without you!” Vergil only laughed: “Believe what you want. He will die, he never should have existed anyway, and he was my biggest mistake!”

With these words, Vergil pushed his arm even deeper into Nero’s chest in order to end everything. Dante sees in horror Nero’s head falling back. No! He could not let this happen! Nero would not die in front of his eyes! Dante triggered while jumping forward. Then he pushed the two apart but he knew that there was no time for a fight. He knew that he had to get Nero out of there because otherwise Vergil would definitely kill him.

Pushing the two apart had caused Vergil to fly back a couple of meters and that was Dante’s chance to escape. He grabbed Nero’s arm and placed it over his shoulders, holding it with his left hand. With his right arm he kept hold of Nero’s lifeless body. Then Dante took the last few steps to reach a cliff that was at one edge of the plateau on top of the hill where the fight had taken place. Dante took this chance, knowing that there wouldn’t be another one and jumped off the cliff…

***   ***   ***

Yeah, I came back from vacation today and I wrote another chapter just for you guys! I really hope that some of you are reading this!

So what do you think will happen next? Was Dante too late? Keep reading, voting and commenting! 

PS: Dedication to nero_narukami19 because of the nice comment!

till next time


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