Chapter 13: The biggest mistake

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Dante woke up with a terrible headache and when he touched his head, he saw blood on his hand after removing it. His damn brother must have hit his head with that fucking blade. “Ugh” Dante groaned and turned over – just in time to see Nero collapsing to the ground, bleeding heavily and choking out: “Never”. In horror, Dante watched Vergil raising the green deadly blade over his head in anger – he knew that he would never get there in time to save the kid from being killed by the own father. But still he had to save Nero. So he had to trust the kid and try to give him time.

“Hey, Vergil!” he called. Vergil’s head turned to his brother, as Dante quickly continued: “You know, you once said something about Nero… And you were absolutely right to say that he was your biggest mistake – because he will be your doom! NERO, NOW!” he ended shouting.

The pain was just so much, Nero felt as if his whole body was on fire. His throat felt like it had been ripped out, burned and set in place again. Every breath was pure torture and he just wanted to stop breathing. His shoulder and chest felt like hell and the blood loss weakened him every second. He coughed and blood poured out of his mouth. He just wanted to stop fighting, he could not take the pain, the suffering any more. Even Kyrie had stopped shouting his name, she was just frozen in horror. He just wished that she wouldn’t have to watch him die, but he didn’t have the strength to change this. He felt the dizziness getting more and his eyes were about to close. They had been so close to defeating Vergil… The Hell Gate was opened and right behind his father. But there was not a chance that he would succeed in pushing Vergil through it. Quite the opposite: Vergil had risen the blade over his head in order to finish his son.

Then Nero heard Dante’s voice: “Hey, Vergil! You know, you once said something about Nero… And you were absolutely right to say that he was your biggest mistake – because he will be your doom! NERO, NOW!” And Nero got the hint, he finally saw his chance: Vergil was distracted, if only for a second. Nero took every bit of last strength that was left in his wrecked body. He clenched his fist – of the devil bringer – and hit Vergil.

Vergil did not expect it and so he stumbled backwards and fell through the gate. Then finally the darkness took over Nero and he just welcomed it – he had won, he did it.

Dante watched Nero hitting Vergil and Vergil falling through the gate. ‘Yeah, I knew the kid could do it!’ he thought to himself. Then he heard Kyrie’s terrified and desperate scream: “NERO! NOOOO! PLEASE NO!”

He ignored the dizziness and crawled over to the kid, who had collapsed on the ground and just lay there, unmoving. Nero’s clothes were soaked in blood on his chest and his shoulder. He quickly put his hands on Nero’s injuries in order to stop the bleeding. “Come on, kid, don’t leave me! Not now – not after you saved us all!”

Sitting there and holding his injured nephew who was like a son to him in his arms, some tears slipped out of Dante’s eyes.

“Don’t you dare to leave me, Nero!” he whispered.

***   ***   ***

Here's the new update! Sorry it took me so long, but I was on vacation. Wow, here in Germany, it's in the middle of the night and I am sitting here and writing a story. :D 

So now you know what Vergil's fate is in this story, but what about the others?

Will Nero die?

How will Kyrie go on without him?

Will she even get free, or will Dante just forget to let her out? :D (that would really be a funny ending!)

What about Dante?

Where you surprised by the tears?

I would be really happy about some feedback and I would love to hear what you think or expect, because I am not sure what the end will be like.

I think there will only be one chapter left, so enjoy every single word!

Thanks for reading! ♥♥♥


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