A Tale of Two Coreys

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I just watched the Lifetime movie "A Tale of Two Coreys," and I honestly don't know how I feel about it. Considering this is literally based on real-life, I don't think any of this is spoilers.

In a way, it's a slap-in-the-face reminder that, yes, these boys had serious drug issues. But on the other hand, I don't think it's fair that only Feldman had first-hand input in it.

Obviously, Haim couldn't, but I still feel like it was pretty biased. Haim came off as a total douche, and I don't think that's fair. I mean, I didn't know him personally, but Feldman is portrayed as a complete victim. Not that he wasn't, but they both were. Why portray one as a sad kid, and the other as an idiot that just couldn't deal well.

However, I did like the actors they casted for them as teenagers. I felt that they looked enough like Feldman and Haim that I didn't think about it not being them the whole time. I kid you not, at some points, the actor playing Haim actually looked like him.

If you watched it, you may have noticed that too. What were your other thoughts? M'kay.


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