not dead yet :)

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I am not dead, as you can tell. I am have a request I'll be finishing up tonight, so hopefully that will get the ball rolling for me.

So, updates on me (in no particular order):

1) I got unlimited data!! This shtuff got me hecking excited. I can watch whatever I want w out being worried of using too much data (which I always did anyway.... )

2) I was introduced to some YouTubers that I always am now super obsessed with. They are Sam and Colby, and anyone that is a fan of theirs knows I am super late to the fam. They started on Vine and became YouTubers and they're great. (And their looks don't hurt either...)

3) This is semi-related to the second one but I also found Jessie Paege and CrankThatFrank on YouTube. Jessie is so cute!! And today was a big day for her. I have watched most of Frank's cringey emo reaction videos bc why not 😂

4) I have managed to do very little w my summer. And it's just weird. I thought I would update more and be super active on here but alas... here I am. This summer is kind of a bummer... I cut my bangs and layered my hair, and still feel meh

Oh well!

I hope you all's summer (or whatever season it is for you) is going well. I'll probably be on YouTube or tumblr... m'kay.


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