I should probably write....

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I'm sure you all know about the 16 personality types/Meyers-Briggs personality types. I've done that test 3 times and I always forget what my personality type is, so I have to take it again.

Well, today in my ACT prep class, my teacher brought it up to my friend and she suggested we all take the test and see what kind of jobs would suit our personality types. I'm an INFP-T.

For those who don't know what that means, it stands for

I- introverted
N- intuitive
F- feelings
P- perception
T- turbulent (bc I'm a plane ✈)

Basically, my personality type is full of dreamers and artistic types, and this guy in my class was like "you should write something then," since there were quite a few authors and musicians that are/were INFP.

I had seen a lot about the personality types before I really knew about them, but I'd honestly like to read more about them and learn more. It's very interesting.

But anyway, idk I've had very little motivation to write and school's been weird w EOC's and crap. I swear, my state/school needs to get it's shtuff together. This testing is ridiculous. TNReady has had problems w not being ready (pun intended) for the past 3 years. I'm done w it. Literally. After this year, I don't have to take EOC's. Idk where that was going....

Anyway, I'll hopefully finish an imagine or two and have them out. Yo, y'all let me know what your personality type is! The site I used was called "16personalities.com" or something. It should be the first result in Google. M'kay.


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