[Chapter 1] Come back...

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Jimin POV

This can't be happening. I swear he was here two seconds ago.

His sweet brown eyes had been on me.

Since the day I saw you

His could smell his sweet breath against my cheek. He had been here! I swear

I lay my arms around your dying body, not believing what I am looking at. The golden boy with the beautiful smile, is gone.

Since the day we met

"You need to move sir" a man grab my shoulder and move me away from the boy my arms had been embracing. He took me away from my treasure.

"What will you do to him?" I screams with tears falling down my cheeks. I can feel my heart being ripped into pieces.

"We will take him to the hospital as quick as possible" the man find a book in his pocket and turn his attention to me.

"Do you this man?" I nod still trying to gather my emotions. I still can't believe what have just happened. Hoseok might die and this time there might be no getting him back again.

I knew this I wouldn't forget

I wipe my tears away, not letting my eyes off Hoseok "His name is Jung Hoseok, he is 20 years old" I explain and try to get my voice back in control.

"Thank you sir" the man shut the book after getting the info needed. I can see Hoseok in the ambulance, ambulance staff all around him. Trying to keep him alive.

"Sir we got a major bleeding from the head, we have to hurry back to the hospital! We have to get him stable within an hour or we will lose him," a lady from the hospital tell the man I was just talking to.

I have loved you more than life itself

As he try to walk away I grab his arm "Please let me go with him! I beg of you! I promised to never leave him" the man look from the lady to me.

"You can't be in the ambulance sir, we have to hurry. We will save your name in the hospital system so that you will be able to see him when you arrive"

My heart break as my hand slide off his arm "My name is park Jimin" I sigh and watch him note it down with a fast hand before running to the ambulance.

now it seems were falling apart

I look at the ambulance in front of me. The doors close up and my eyes can no longer see the person they wanted to see.

My body shiver, tears streaming down my face. What will happen to him?

My mom wrap her arms around me, I can feel her tears slowly soaking my shirt. I don't care in this moment.

This thing that just won't go away

"I have to go mom" I cry "I have to see him" she nod against my shoulder. Hugging me tighter into my body. Almost as if, she tried to keep us both from falling apart.

It's too late now, I am already broken. My heart is in a million pieces.

was more then you could take

I watch in tears as the ambulance leave my house, I can feel my heart beat in my throat as I am being choked.

Choked by the very air that is surrounding me. I can't live without you Hoseok. What made the universe think I could?

But I'll hold on tight past the very end

I promised to never leave you! I will keep my promise Hoseok. Death wont be able to keep me away from you.

I would rather die than live without you.

My thoughts are a blurry mess as I start running. Running towards the hospital that is a few streets away from here. My mom don't got me a car, I will need to catch a bus. But I won't stand and wait for one.

I won't stop running even though I can't breath! I am not letting him down. Don't worry Hoseok I am coming for you! Don't let go!

No matter how much it hurt


HIIIII hope you were just abit excited about what happened to Hoseok! i know i was! hope you all enjoy this :) leave a like or something arh

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