[Chapter 15] Mine tonight...

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3rd POV

7 months have passed in the relationship between Hoseok and Jimin. Another month had led to a lot of progress in Hoseok's trust.

Jimin is on the way home from yet another terrible day at work. The business is going down and Jimin can't seem to find a way to make things evolve, to make the business work out.

In reality he had lost all interest in his so called job, looking at the same damn flowers every day, making the same damn orders. The whole routine of work made his heart sink and his smile fade away.

Jimin sigh. His feet lead him in direction of the big house. He plaster on a fake smile after putting his keys in the keyhole and unlocking the wooden front door.

A warm smell scented candles meet his nose. He close the door and hang his jacket on the hook by the door.

A letter with his name written on it, is placed in a bouquet of flowers on the table in the entrée, all the flowers was different collections of roses. Jimin's favourite flower.

He open the letter carefully, a strike of confusion taking over his tired mind. The paper is thin and covered with well written words.

My dear beloved Jimin.

I didn't manage to make our 6 months anniversary as special as I wanted it to be.

I hope to be able to make up for that today.

First stop today is the kitchen; you will find the needed attire in our bedroom.


Jimin smile at the unexpected surprise and make his way towards the bedroom. on the door is a note like the other one from down stairs.

Dear Jimin

Actually I was lying, the first surprise of tonight

Is behind this door! Remember to collect the roses.

Jimin chuckle softly at his childish games and open the bedroom door slowly, not sure what could be hiding behind the door.

The door make a soft noise as it opens and reveal their shared bedroom. However, Jimin can't help but gasp as he look at the room, their separate beds are gone, now replaced with a beautiful double bed full of pillows.

Jimin and Hoseok did indeed sleep in the same room, but they had never really shared a bed like that, they would sleep on separate beds and push the together at night to look at the sun go down, he had only ever fallen asleep in the older man's arms twice.

Jimin jump back on the bad and start squalling. He kick his legs in the air like a child trying to calm himself down, Hoseok had even redecorated their bedroom and repainted the walls.

Jimin finally stumble upon the next note and start reading while getting undressed, so that he could put on the clothes that was hang on the wardrobe.

Beloved Jimin

Hope you love our new bedroom, thought it was about

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