[Chapter 13] I trust you...

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Jimin POV

~1 week later~

It's been a week since Hoseok and I moved into our new house. We sleep in the same room now. Still haven't seen him shirtless.

Hoseok sleeps in a long sleeve white shirt, only revealing his collarbones from time to time, when he forgot to button up the last button.

We are laying in bed again, as we do every night before bed. Our room got a window in the celling, so we spend a lot of time looking at stars in the evening.

I adjust myself and look at Hoseok. His face is beautiful. His strong jawline, matched with his perfect lips and soft eyes, new dyed locks caressing his face.

He makes me want him so badly, Its getting harder day by day to hold back. I love Hoseok with all of my heart, but I cant hep but wonder what it feels like to have him on tp of me.

To feel his naked skin against the palm of my hand. To caress his naked shoulders and perfectly tanned upper body.

Hoseok turned his head towards me as he realize I am staring.

"Are you okay?" he whisper and my eyes try to find something else but his eyes to look at, they end up staring at his lips instead.

Looking at his lips didn't make the hunger going away, it just made it so much worse.

"I don't... I don't know" I choke on the words and turn around to look up at the stars again.

"You have been so distant the last days... at least I think you have, I could be incorrect"

"I have something I need to talk to you about" I whisper with a raspy voice.

"What did I do wrong? I am sorry if I am a terrible boyfriend... I am sorry that you are stuck with me... I didn't mean to do anything" I can hear his voice crack.

"Hoseok take it easy okay" I take a deep breath and look at him again; I use one hand to remove the tear that is falling down his face.

Hoseok can't control when he cry, he rarely notice when he does. A child once screamed at him that gay people shouldn't be alive and Hoseok started crying without him being able to hold it back.

Hoseok might be a lot of work, but god damn it he is worth it. You won't find anyone who would treat you better than him.

"I just have something that have been bothering me, I want you to not avoid my question okay? Just be honest with me" I caress his face, making all the signals I can to make him understand I don't mean no harm.

He nod "I feel like... let me rephrase, I don't understand why I cant mention the S word without you panicking... have you been sexually abused? Did anyone hurt you"

I try to read his expression; Hoseok is clearly on the edge of panic. I press a soft kiss to his temple, to make him calm down.

"Please tell me baby" I rest my forehead against his.

"I can't... It sounds stupid" he whisper, I can feel his tears hit my cheek as he is trying to get away from me, but I can't let the this topic fade again.

"Hoseok... please talk to me, I beg you" I hold onto him, cupping his face with one of my hands.

"Jimin... I just don't want you to hate me again..." I sigh, not because I am annoyed, but because I am feeling sorry for Hoseok. His head have once again convinced that I hated him.

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