[Chapter 7] Fragile...

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Jimin POV

13 of October. It's today my birthday and hopefully the day I will finally see Hoseok again.

It's been more than a month since the last time I saw him, I am not even sure I got to properly see him before he once again was taken away from me.

"You are up early" Mina comment as she walk in the door to Hoseok's room. I am sitting in the window once again, working on yet another song.

"I wanted to be here when the doctor is ready" I smile, my eyes not leaving the paper.

I place my pencil between my teeth and scratch the back of my head. Letting all the ideas fill my head.

"He will be ready soon, I promised to find you"

"Why did you have to find me?" I finally let my gaze wonder away from my paper to meet her eyes, a smile decorating her beautiful face.

"The doctor thought you wanted to be there when we wake him up" She respond, her smile growing even bigger on her face.

I slowly close my book and walk over to the hospital bed. Looking down at the boy in it. His eyes still closed.

I can't wait to look into his eyes again.

"I will be back in a second! Just wait here" she easily turn on her heel and elegantly leave the room.

I kneel down slightly beside the bed, embracing Hoseok's hand with mine. Smiling at the boy in front of me.

His cheeks had finally got their Rosie tint back, which according to the doctor meant it was time for him to wake up once again.

"Did you hear that Hoseok?" I cheer, a smile playing on my lips "We will finally be back together again" I laugh as the happiness bubble up inside me.

My stomach feel like it can explode any moment now, I am not able to hold back all the happiness I am feeling right now.

I let go of the boys hand and swing around with my hands covering my mouth as a scream of happiness leave my lips.

"You are coming back" I scream a little too loud, laughing and I am pretty sure I look insane right now. But I don't care! Hoseok is coming back.

I feel like a child again.

The doors open and a doctor walk in with his head down Hoseok's papers "Jung Hoseok, 23, hit by car. In coma" he read before laying the papers on the bedside table.

"and you must be Park Jimin, I am doctor Lee" he slightly nod at me "Yes that's me, do you think he is ready to wake up?"

"He should be" the doctor respond and take a look at the machine beside Hoseok's bed, slowly pressing a few buttons.

"I will slowly turn down the affect the machine is having, carefully watching how his heart respond" Hoseok's heart increase in speed as he click the last button.

"That is a good sign, I will proceed" he turn on the machine, Hoseok's heart keep the heartbeat it's in, his eyelids start to flick slightly. He do not open his eyes.

"This is very normal Mr. Park" the doctor assure me. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears.

Out of no where the machine that show us Hoseok's heart beat start making a loud noise as the line go down and stay in one long line along the screen.

Hoseok's heart has stopped beating.

My body go into instant panic as tears fill my eyes. I am so close to getting him back! I can't lose him! This can't be happening!

"I need the heart starter as quick as possible! Mina get it under the bed!" Mina push me aside and put her arms under the bed.

She grab a machine and run to the doctor who quickly turn it on and rub the two handles against each other.

I can feel the tears burn my eyes and my throat getting tired as I am almost choking on my tears.

Mina take a quick step back as he hurry to put the handles against Hoseok's chest, making his body shiver and shake under the electricity that is running through his body.

A slight beat come from the machine as he continue pumping the electricity through his comatosed body.

"Mina I think we got it" he step back as the machine once more start beating and Hoseok's body starts screaming for air.

His body is shivering. Even though I know I am not allowed to, I walk over to him and carefully place one hand on his, kneeling down beside the bed.

I can feel slight sparks leave his hands. They caress my fingers tips. However, I am not planning to let go of him any time soon.

"It's going to be alright, take your time" I whisper into his ear and kiss his cheek.

His breathing slow down, his heart is beating in a normal speed and the machine that is keeping him alive is finally turned off.

The machine is no longer keeping him alive. He is.

"Mr. Park, I don't know if it's a good idea you touch him" the doctor walk up behind me, placing one hand on my shoulder.

"I promised I wouldn't leave him" I cry, not realizing the tears that had escaped my eyes.

"Just wait! This is going to work! It have to" I tighten my grip on his hand and pray for him to soon open his eyes.

A slight feeling against my finger make me turn my attention to hoseoks hand, as the older male slightly tighten his grip around my hand.

I turn to look at his face, a hand caressing his cheek "Hoseok?" I call, hope in my voice. For the first time in over a month.

I have hope.

His eyelids make slight signs of opening. He halfly blink his eyes, slowly opening them fully.

"Hoseok" I grab his hand even tighter and bring it to my chest. My eyes are lid with joy as his dark brown eyes meet mine.

"You are alive!" I scream and hug him. I have never been this happy in my entire life.

I feel like I am flying as his face light up in a dizzy smile. I know he just woke up again, the light must be so bright in his eyes and using his body again must be a nightmare.

I pull away from the hug and look into his eyes, his lips slowly move, trying to form words. I lean in a little closer.

What was the first words I would hear him say?

"You... You" he swallow and slowly blink his eyes "You still owe me... that dinner" he laugh with a raspy voice.

I can feel the tears on my cheeks as I start chuckling "You will get that dinner, I promise" I lean down and kiss his hand. The one I am still holding in mine.

"Now get better first!" my eyes must be super soft at this moment. I have never felt this fragile in my life, almost losing him 3 times now have made me so scared of anyone hurting him.

"This time, we won't go out! And I will come get you"

"Sounds good" He smile.


seeee I am not a terrible person! 

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