[Chapter 8] I Remember...

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Jimin POV

"Do you need a hand?" Hoseok chuckle softly as he reject my hand and let himself fall back into the couch "I might have been in a coma! But I am not handicapped"

"I just wanted to help you" I defend myself. He shake his head and roll his eyes as a smile start to spread on his face.

I have missed his smile so much. Not to mention his presence, the way he laugh, the sound of his voice. I guess you can say I have missed him.

I kneel down next to the DVD player and insert the DVD Yoongi had given me the other day.

"What are we watching?"

"Fifty shades of grey" I smile proudly at him. Hoseok almost spit out the water he had just tried to swallow. Why would he react like that?

"What?" I can feel my lips turn into a frown.

"Do you have any idea what so ever what this movie is about?" I shake my head as a way of saying no.

"Give me the DVD case" I throw the case to him and finish putting in the DVD. Taking the remote control and heading back to the couch.

"Did you get this from Yoongi by any chance?" Hoseok study the blank case the dvd had been in.

"I did yeah"

"Why did he give it to you?" Hoseok let the case rest on his lap and turn his attention to me. Is there something wrong with this movie?

"I was on Tumblr and someone made a paragraph talking about why you should watch fifty shades of grey. I didn't know what it was so I asked Yoongi. He made fun of me because I had never watched it" I start frowning at the memory.

"Yoongi then told me he could get me a copy. He had heard that we would be holding a movie night tonight, he said it was a movie that you would enjoy too"

Hoseok sigh as I finish my long explanation. The movie is about to be ready to be started "Okay I see, can you get food while I start the movie then?"

I nod and walk to the kitchen to get some pop corn and soda.


After watching just some of the movie, I quickly found out that this movie is not child friendly! Before I knew it, this movie turned into an erotic mess.

As the first sex scene is playing, I can feel myself start blushing like crazy.

It's not like I have never seen a sex scene before, I have just never seen a sex scene with a person I liked before.

Hoseok is clearly as uncomfortable as I am in this situation. We both hide our faces in our blankets.

"Can I turn it off?" I whisper with my blanket still covering my face.

"Please do" Hoseok respond breathlessly with his mouth slightly agape.

I fiddle to find the remote and hurry to click the red button before this go any further.

I am still in shock about what have just happened as the screen turn black and leave the room in a slight darkness.

"I am so sorry" I whisper and hide my face in my hands. Too ashamed to even look at him. I can feel tears burn my eyes even though I have no reason to be sad.

"What are you sorry about?" I can feel his eyes on me.

"This is the first time we hang out after you came out of the hospital and I ruined it.

My body shivers as I start sobbing. I can't even control it anymore. I am a crying mess.

Hoseok quickly understand what is going on and scoot in closer to me, wrapping his arms around me, trying his best to make me stop crying.

His hand that rubs down my back and his warm embrace make me feel even more guilty and I start crying like a baby.

"Jimin, you didn't ruin anything! Please calm down" Hoseok hug me tightly and I hide my face in the crock of his neck.

"You don't have to lie to make me feel better" I mumble into the crock of his neck. Feeling my body slowly relax under his touch.

"I am not lying" he chuckle "Besides! I am just happy to spend time with you again Jimin, I don't care what we plan to do! I just want to spend time with you"

He slowly let go and make me lean away enough for him to look into my eyes. He wipe away a tear and send me a smile.

His eyes are soft and kind.

I smile back, still trying to stop sobbing even though it's awfully hard.

"Come here!" he open his arms widely, inviting me to wrap my arms around him "You need some sleep" he add.

I wrap my arms around him.

He lean back and I end up on my stomach on top of him, with my head on his chest.

He run his hand through my hair and keep doing it until I feel my eyelids get heavy "Sleep thight" is the last words I hear before everything turns black.

Hoseok POV

I stare down at the male in my arms. His slow breathing is caressing my chest peacefully.

His eyes are closed, his long eyelashes is caressing his beautiful cheeks. His lips is left in a lazy smile.

I don't want to stop running my fingers through his hair, even though I have been doing it the last 40 minutes.

He have been through so much.

I left him all by himself for a month! A whole month! I know I didn't really have a say in it, but I still felt sorry about it.

I wish I had been fighting just a little harder! I wish I could have come back to him a lot sooner.

I was awake while some of it was happening. I remember my mind always being awake when he told me the stories he had made for me.

One story was never like the other.

The night my mind keeps thinking about, was the one where he didn't bring me a story, but a song. A song he made for me.

I still remember every word of it. Every single one.

Even though that was my favourite moment I can feel my lips tingle as I look down at the sleeping boy and whisper softly.

"Have you ever been in love? Jimin"


so Jihope sorta? 

Jin's cover of I love you and Eomma makes me super soft! if you havent heard them! search it up on youtube!!!

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