[Chapter 9] Chim Chim...

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A/N: Read bottom note please!


Hoseok POV

I am in the dance studio as my phone starts buzzing. Jeongguk, the new student, starting looking at me from the corner.

My ring tone has been exchanged with the song Jimin wrote for me: Serendipity.

I pick up my phone and let it rest against my ear as I try to catch my breath.

"Hello there"

Hi Hoseokie

"Hi ChimChim"

Chim Chim?

"Just a nickname, I am sorry I f you don't like it"

No! I like it! It's cute

"So what's up Chim?" I put my hand in my front pocket and notice that Jeongguk is staring at me. I try to shake it off.

I was wondering if you had time for that Dinner later? Without any bad movie choices

"Yeah of course I have time!" Jeongguk have stopped staring at me and started the music. I got scared after he just turned it on and it was way too loud.

I had forgot to turn it down after using it 2 minutes ago. He jump up and hurry to turn it down.

Where are you right now?

Jimin laugh on the other end and I feel my face turn pink, I don't know why though.

"I am in the dance studio, I needed to get started again" I rub my neck a little nervously. No one really knew I could dance.

The one around centrum? You dance there? I was going to check that place out some time ago! Can I stop by in like 20 minutes? We can go to my place after that, for the dinner you know.

"Sure Chim! I will see you in 20!" my heart fluster and I can feel my cheeks heat up.

That's a plan then, see you there Hoseokie.



His end went silent and I let the hand with my phone in it drop to my chest. I hug the phone tightly and spin once.

"Was that your girlfriend?" A voice behind me ask. I turn to face the younger male known as Jeongguk.

"Why would you..." he cut me off and finish my sentence.

"Why would I say that? Hyung, no offence! However, your face is as red as a strawberry! Who else could you have talked to?"

He walk over and pat my shoulder "She must be one of a kind! Cant wait to see her.

I don't even get to tell her that Jimin is indeed not my girlfriend. I am too busy blushing as he walk away and start dancing again.


Jimin POV

I have been driving by the dancing studio so many times, but now I would finally see it on the inside.

I follow the music and slowly push open the door.

The room is embraced by the sun. the first thing I notice before the soft light is Hoseok, he is standing face towards a mirror fully into his dancing.

He move perfectly to the music. As I admire him, the song start to fade.

I clap as he stand there panting for air. He turn around quickly and turn bright pink "How much did you see?" he mumble.

"Only the last 2 minutes. You are amazing! How have I never seen this" I run up to him and swing my arms around his shoulders as I tiptoe to reach.

"I have never really showed it to anyone" he smile against my shoulder.

"Well I am honoured to have seen it" I pull away and look at him for abit too long. A voice break out unintended staring game.

"So when will your girlfriend be here?" A brown haired boy smirk and wipe his face with a towel.

"Girlfriend, what? Hoseok?" my heart was aching. Of course, he was straight! God I am so damn stupid.

"Chim... Jeongguk! I don't have a girlfriend" the boys eyes widen as he turn to look at me.

"Holy guacamole! Chim? Are you Chim?" he is pointing at me. He hurry to remove his finger as he realize, he is pointing at me.

"Erm I Guess I am" I look like the cat that got a flower placed on its head. I feel so dam confused in this moment.

"OH mAN hOlY ShiT!" he exclaim and cover his mouth.

"It was very nice talking to you Jeongguk! We have to go" Hoseok start pushing me out the door before I get a chance to say anything.


"So you care to explain that thing earlier?" I ask him, poking his cheek that is full of kimchi.

"Care to explain what?" he ask innocently, not caring to swallow the food before answering.

"Don't act so innocent on me Jung Hoseok" his face light up in a smile as I tease him.

"I would never Chim Chim" he swallow the food and send me a bright doe eyed smile.

"You are such an asshole" I push him lightly and laugh at my use of wording.

"Assault! assault!" he scream and cover his face and chest with his hands and arms.

"Stop it" I laugh and push him again. He wrap his arm around me as he start laughing.

Hoseok POV

Jimin looks so damn cute when he is smiling. I have known him for so long and still haven't got the chance to tell him how I feel.

I feel like a damn coward for not telling him the truth.

Here I am now, with Jimin under my arm. As I can feel his body shake as he laugh. Sweet music in my ears.

He look into my eyes and I realize I had been quite for a while now.

I can't seem to focus on my breathing. I feel like I am choking. I have fallen into the depths of his dark brown eyes and I have no idea how I am going to escape.

My hand I was leaning on start to slip I end up falling, Crashing into Jimin and yanking him to the floor.

My heartbeat stop as I look at the boy beneath me. It just hit me that even after knowing him for so long I had no idea rather he was gay or not.

However right now I got a chance that I might never get again in my life.

His lips has been driving me crazy for the longest time now, I can't let this moment go.

I am sorry Jimin.

I lean in and do the first thing that pop into my mind. I run my fingers through his hair and put my lips on his.

I melt into the feeling as my heart beat increase.

Jimin POV







Sorry it is so damn long! I tried to make it shorter! but i really wanted their first kiss now! ack i am a terrible writter! hope you like it thoe! sorry I change POV so god damn often! 

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